Energy saving actions in industry: Complete file

Energy saving actions in industry: Complete file

2024-03-19 23:00:00

A first article entitled “Energy savings and energy performance – Notions, issues and methods” placed this notion of energy savings at the center of a system including issues linked to national energy independence, to balance from the trade balance, to the competitiveness of businesses, to the purchasing power of households, to the fight to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG)… For most businesses, the stakes are just as important, and can concern its survival when energy prices soar. Also knowing what actions to implement to reduce energy consumption allows you to remain competitive and can even prove vital for maintaining your activity, no longer suffering or being passive and making the right decisions to ensure the energy future. The path to follow begins with carrying out a diagnosis or an energy audit which will lead to a better understanding of your energy situation and the actions to be taken to improve it. Among these, the calculation and monitoring of one (or) energy performance indicator(s) (IPE), the implementation of energy management and its metering plan, will be recommended, the measures to be taken to improve energy performance and in particular the efficiency of installations, as well as behavioral actions, the latter most often at no cost, making it possible to reduce the establishment’s total energy consumption by at least 10% . To go further and sustain this reduction in energy consumption, the implementation of a progress approach such as the energy management system will allow access to continuous improvement. But at the basis of all these measures are the energy saving actions to be implemented following having studied the technical and organizational feasibility, the cost and the payback time. These actions can be presented under different categories depending on the criterion chosen by the company, either by type of action: technical, organizational or functional, behavioral, etc. ; either temporally: immediate completion, in x months or years, according to deadlines; either by financial commitment: at no cost, moderate cost, significant investment. In this article, energy saving actions are presented by energy use such as for example space heating, compressed air production/management, the process, etc. The diversity of energy uses does not make it possible to address them all, and only the main ones are presented.

It should be remembered that the implementation of energy saving actions is essential in achieving the objectives of reducing GHG emissions, and that it is necessary above all to find the right balance between the needs energy needs to be ensured and the solutions to satisfy them, by preserving raw material resources as much as possible, or even by restoring more energy than that which was requested (concept of positive energy).

Many solutions allowing optimized use of energy are technically and financially accessible. Their return time is often very short (less than a year), or even at no cost.

France was a pioneer in research and implementation of energy saving actions and has acquired nearly 50 years of experience in this area. This public expertise is made available to as many people as possible, via different communication channels, with a view to implementing solutions to combat waste and in the search for energy performance. Their application is most often accompanied by gains in comfort, productivity, quality, operating conditions, etc.

This article on energy saving actions in industry sets out the main solutions known to date for using energy rationally. It will be usefully supplemented by more specialized articles relating to each use covered.

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