2024-03-22 10:30:43
Today, I’m going to tell you regarding a somewhat special addon. It allows you to record thousands of lines from the chat channel, storing them for later return. It’s perfect for reminding a friend that he told you, one day when he was too tired or drunk, that he would let you loot Invincible if he were to drop the Lich King.
Also find our section dedicated to the best Dragonflight addons.
Elephant records everything that happens in the chat channel in the background. This concerns both the general channel and whispers, group channels (guild, raids, dungeons) as well as messages published by NPCs and officers. Default channels, such as trade and local defense, are also included in the recordings.
For example, this is useful if you’re AFK and want to know what happened while you were away. This can be a discussion between several members of your guild, but also a dialogue between two characters during a quest. The chat channel doesn’t allow you to go very high, so Elephant comes in handy in this kind of situation.
Although I haven’t tested this feature, the addon author states that it restores chat following disconnecting, which can be handy for guild masters, officers, and raid leaders.
In the options, you can filter certain channels and thus not record the comments made there. You can also record chats in each channel separately. It’s pretty well done and you can copy and paste it all into another software to keep track of everything.
L’addon est disponible pour WoW Retail, WoW Classic et Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
#Elephant #addon #records #chat #channel #messages #World #Warcraft