Ebba Busch yells at Jimmie Åkesson

Åkesson’s outburst came following Alice Teodorescu Måwe, KD’s top name before the European Parliament elections, spoke in a DN interview regarding her relationship with the Sweden Democrats, and that SD stands for “a different view of the world, which I do not share”.

– I have taken offense when I have been lumped together with people and politicians who are once morest immigration by definition. Because it’s not me, she said.

The SD leader got the interview Jimmie Åkesson to be angry at:

“Speaking of nothing at all: I have always had such an enormous difficulty with these self-righteous fine bourgeois”, writes he on X and continues:

“As instead, they let the not as nice and dignified do the rough work, rake the arena and take the real shit, and then point the finger at this unbrushed, uneducated mob in order to consolidate their own position as nicer. Ruefully.”

SD leader Jimmie Åkesson. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

Åkesson’s comments got in turn Ebba Busch that in one long post on X target the SD leader directly:

“That Jimmie Åkesson passive aggressively and with a microscopic fig leaf, indirectly calls Alice TM a ‘self-righteous bourgeois’ who is ‘not prepared to do the grunt work’ when she had to endure death threats to pave the way for SD to be able to sit as the elite at the negotiating table at Tidö castle… No, it’s not okay,” writes Busch and calls the play “snowflake behavior”.

“You can’t go on like this – this is where I draw a line.”

In the Tidö agreement there is a writing regarding that one should speak respectfully of the central representatives of the other Tidö parties. After the DN interview, SD has therefore submitted a protest to the coordination office, writes Expressen. SD’s press manager Oskar Cavalli-Björkman confirms the information to DN.

At a press conference on energy policy on Tuesday, Ebba Busch receives questions regarding the spat. Busch says she doesn’t want to see “passive-aggressive slips” from Jimmie Åkesson.

– Then he gets to talk straight.

She gets questions regarding whether the parties benefit from being muzzled in this way.

– The ones who enjoy this the most are the Social Democrats, that is why I have marked that now it was mother Ebba who had to go out and set a limit where I think it was justified, says Busch to Aftonbladet.

Ebba Busch at Tuesday’s press conference on energy policy. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

Busch says to DN that she has great basic respect for SD and Jimmie Åkesson.

– But you must not indirectly call me and other KD representatives all kinds of words, when we have been subjected to harassment and death threats because we paved the way for a stricter migration policy and cooperation with SD.

Member of Parliament Tobias Andersson (SD) comments, at the same press meeting, on the spat with the fact that he believes that people from the bourgeois side secretly sympathized with SD’s views, but initially did not want to express them.

– It is clear that there can be frustration from many Sweden Democrats, not least those I meet outside the country, that so many bourgeois for such a long time have contributed to the stigma once morest us as a party, he says, and continues:

– It has thus contributed to a delay in the political measures required to reverse the social development we have problematised. It is not so strange if you get frustrated by it.

DN has applied for Jimmie Åkesson.

Read more:

Alice Teodorescu Måwe: I have nothing in common with SD



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