It is not a political rally, explains city youth officer Anson Samuel from the Diocese of Linz. The Way of the Cross “Wounds of Love” for queer people and well-disposed people offers a protected space for spiritual discussion in the Ursuline Church in Linz today, March 20th, at 7 p.m. Those affected have the opportunity to “see their wounds through the wounds of Jesus.”
Haunting and authentic
The basis for the service is the recently published book by Luigi Testa. According to Samuel, the Italian professor of comparative public law finds authentic and powerful words regarding the classic stations of Jesus’ Way of the Cross. “Despite the constant condemnation, exclusion and rejection that queer people are subjected to, including in churches and by religious representatives, their injuries and wounds inspire the author to write powerful and touching texts,” said the 37-year-old Catholic. The text, translated into German, will be staged by the performance artists Judith Gramm and Kilian Fuchs. How does the Catholic Church feel regarding this project? One shouldn’t generalize, says the theologian, who has been working in Linz since November: “I’m part of the church and have a job that supports that.” The city youth officer sees himself as commissioned by the Pope. With the “theology of the existential periphery” he called for reaching out to people on the fringes of society. In addition to migrants and sex workers, this also included queer people. The Way of the Cross “Wounds of Love” is an initiative of the Youth and Young Adults team and the Catholic Youth Upper Austria of the Diocese of Linz and was prepared and supported by a team of church groups and parishes.
The book “Via Crucis di un ragazzo gay” by Luigi Testa is available in German as an e-book: “Way of the Cross of a Gay Boy”
Queer is a collective term for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people. As a self-description, this can mean an identity beyond categories such as man/woman, heterosexual and lesbian/gay.
The Rainbow Pastoral Care of the Diocese of Linz deals with the situation and world of homosexual women and men.
Creed – queer belief – is the theme of the queer services in the Diocese of Linz. Next date: April 17th, 7 p.m. in the Ursuline Church, Landstrasse 31
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