Germany imposes a nationwide entry ban on Martin Sellner

Sellner, former head of the right-wing extremist Identitarian Movement in Austria, made this public on Tuesday on the X platform (formerly Twitter). The city of Potsdam confirmed the entry ban, but did not mention Sellner’s name.

Sellner wants to take legal action once morest the ban, but will stick to it for the time being. The background is a lecture by Sellner at the Potsdam meeting in November, which became known through a publication by the media company Correctiv in January. Sellner said he had spoken regarding so-called “remigration”. He means that people with foreign roots would be deported from Germany en masse, including people with a German passport, as he writes in a new book with the same title.

After the “Correctiv” publication, mass demonstrations once morest right-wing extremists and the AfD began throughout Germany and also in Austria. The AfD was represented by several members in Potsdam. Members of the CDU and the very conservative Union of Values ​​also took part. In Austria, leading FPÖ politicians support Sellner’s ideas.

Potsdam’s mayor Mike Schubert explained the entry ban: “We have to show that the state is not powerless and uses its legitimate means. The demonstrations and rallies were an important signal. We are making it clear that democracy is defensible. To protect fundamental rights and the constitution , the institutions must use their resources.”

A spokeswoman for the city of Potsdam emphasized that “we cannot comment on personal procedures. However, we can confirm that the state capital of Potsdam has issued a decision on the implementation of the Freedom of Movement Act/EU (FreizügG/EU) to determine the loss of the right to freedom of movement in the Federal Republic of Germany sent to an EU citizen.”

The decision can be enforced immediately – so “the entry ban applies immediately in principle”. If the person concerned is currently in Germany, he or she would have to leave within one month. However, he might appeal once morest the decision regarding the loss of the right to freedom of movement and also once morest the immediate enforcement.

Federal police may refuse Sellner entry in the future

Sellner presented the decision from Potsdam on his video on The decision sets out violations of the free democratic basic order, but the “Basic Law is being interpreted in a completely distorting way,” said the Austrian right-wing extremist.

“That is exactly what will now go to court,” announced Sellner. His lawyer will initiate both urgent and main proceedings. He expects the urgent procedure to take up to two months. If legal steps are unsuccessful, he reserves the right to take other steps, said Sellner. At the same time, he stated that he was currently in Austria and would not be entering the Federal Republic of Germany for the time being. Upcoming appearances in Germany have been canceled.

State authorities are generally responsible for refusing entry, in this case the immigration authorities in Potsdam. The entry ban that applies throughout Germany would have to be enforced by the federal police, for example, as part of border controls. After entering Germany, a person who is banned from entering and staying might be deported. In addition, entry despite a ban is a criminal offense and can have criminal consequences.

This article was updated at 5:12 p.m.


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