Tips to Stay Healthy in Spring: How to Avoid Getting Sick in Changing Weather Conditions

2024-03-19 22:11:08

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    The winter jacket is too warm, the T-shirt too cold: spring is just around the corner and for many people the change in the weather will be fatal. These tips can help.

    Kassel – According to meteorologists, spring officially begins on March 1st. Experience has shown that the weather is… Spring changeable, Weather experts already have an initial forecast for a frosty Easter holiday. Although most people long for higher temperatures, the spring season also brings with it the risk of getting sick. The bad news is: the start of spring doesn’t automatically mean that the cold season ends. But there are some tried and tested tips and tricks that can help.

    Why do so many people get infected in spring?

    The temperatures are rising and the days are getting longer. The change in the weather is causing problems for many people. The wrong clothing cools the body, which can have a negative effect on the immune system. Stress, lack of sleep or other illnesses can also be a factor that makes it easier for viruses and bacteria to spread in the body.

    However, this alone is not one of the main causes. Special viruses are responsible for thisthat some people suffer from a flu-like infection or the flu. “For example, Adeno, Rhino, Parainfluenza, Coxsackie and RS viruses are often behind the symptoms,” such as pharmacy magazine reported. If people cough or sneeze in the immediate vicinity or if contaminated objects are touched, the pathogen is quickly spread via droplet infection.

    If you have an infection, some tried and tested tips can help. © Philip Dulian/dpa

    Influenza or flu-like infection? What course of the disease you should expect

    Distinguishing a flu-like infection from real influenza is usually not that easy. However, there are some differences in the severity of the disease progression. A cold or flu-like infection is usually announced by a slight scratching or sore throat. As the infection progresses, it also becomes noticeable through a runny nose, cough and headache.

    Proven home remedies: With these grandma tips, the infection can be defeated quickly

    Most people tend to run to the pharmacy at the first symptoms of illness. But tried and tested grandma tips can also help. The AOK health magazine recommends taking the following points into account:

  • Fresh air: Compared to dry heated air, going outside can help the mucous membranes regenerate.
  • Chicken soup: The classic chicken broth strengthens those affected with warmth and additional fluids.
  • Cold bath: A cold bath can also be warming. Bathing sessions also clear the respiratory tract.
  • Gargling for a sore throat: A decoction of sage leaves that steeps for 15 minutes is grandma’s tip for a sore throat. But also Lemon compresses and onion juice are said to help once morest a sore throat.
  • Inhale with hot steam: If you inhale the steam with thyme, chamomile or eucalyptus, you free the mucous membranes.
  • If you use these classic grandma tips, you can hope to shorten the healing process and be back on your feet soon. When it comes to infections, the following certainly applies: rest is one of the best remedies. (cg)

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