The propositions of the Qur’an and six ways to make them happen – 2024-03-19 04:13:06

The congregation performs the first tarawih prayer at the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Monday (11/3/2024) evening. (MI/Susanto)

PRAYING in a state of solemnity (khusyu’) is a recommendation of Islam to its followers. Therefore, not just praying, Muslims are asked to perform this worship solemnly.

What is humility? Khusyu is a state of a person’s heart in the form of calm, submission, fear, humility before Allah subhanahu wata’ala. This will give rise to attitudes in physical form, in the form of submission, humility, lowering one’s gaze and lowering one’s voice.

Being humble in prayer also makes the person’s mind focused only on Allah and what he is reading. Ideally, in solemn prayer, Muslims forget everything other than Allah or related to the world. In this way, he is truly immersed in being with Allah alone.

The reasons for solemn prayer

There are several arguments in the Qur’an for Muslims to pray in a solemn state. The following is the explanation.

1. Al-Qur’an Surat Al-Baqarah: 45.

Help yourself with patience and prayer – and indeed it is a great matter, except for the humble ones.

Wastainuu bish shabri wash shalah; We have to work together until ‘Alal Khaasyin’.

Also read: Tafsir Surat Al-Hujurat Verse 14: Relationship between Faith and Islam

And ask for help (to God) with patience and prayer. And that (prayer) is really heavy, except for those who are devoted.

2. Al-Qur’an Surat Al-Baqarah verse 238.

Observe the prayers and the middle prayer, and stand before God with two devotions.

Hafiz ‘alash shalawaati wash shalaatil wusthaa wa quumuu lillaahi with shame.

Also read: Tafsir Surat Al-Ma’idah Verse 35 regarding Wasilah and Tawasul

Maintain all (your) salat and (maintain) the wusthaa salat. Stand up for God (in your prayer) with reverence.

3. Al-Qur’an Surat Al-Mu’minun verses 1-2.

Successful have been the believers who are humble in their prayers.

Qad aflahal mu’ minuun. Alladziina hum and shalaatihim khasyi’uun.

Also read: Tafsir At-Taubah Verse 51 regarding God’s Decree and Tawakal

Truly fortunate are those who believe. (That is) people who are solemn in their prayers.

Six criteria for solemn prayer

A person is said to be solemn if he meets the six criteria below. In fact, there are many opinions of scholars regarding ways or techniques to make prayer more solemn. One of them was explained by Al-Habib Umar Bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafizh. However, most of them have almost the same way to make prayer more solemn.

1. Calm heart.

That is, the presence of the heart. This must be practiced continuously. If your heart or mind wanders, force it to come back once more. God willing, the heart will get used to hudhur. This means that our hearts and minds return to comprehending the reading we are doing.

Also read: Tafsir An-Nisa Verse 79 concerning Pleasure and Disaster

2. Tafahhumul ma’ani.

The meaning is to understand the meaning of what we say and what we are doing. Without understanding the meaning of what we read, starting from the meaning of takbiratul ihram, iftita prayer, Surah Al-Fatihah, to salam, it is difficult to create a solemn prayer. Our mind and heart will surely go anywhere while our lips are reciting salat.

3. Al-Ijlal wat zhim.

This means that there is a sense of glorifying and glorifying God. Sometimes we come to our hearts and know the meaning of reading the prayer. But without a sense of glorifying God, this is like someone who understands the words of a small child, i.e. not paying too much attention to them.

4. Al-Ijlal wat ta’zhim ma’al haibah.

The meaning is that the sense of glorifying and glorifying God should be accompanied by a sense of haibah (authority). Haibah is a feeling of fear that arises from a sense of glorification. For example, fearing that our prayers will not be accepted by God, fearing that God will be angry with us, or fearing that God will not love us.

Also read: Tafsir of Surah Al-Mu’minun Verse 16 regarding the Day of Resurrection

5. Ar-Raja’.

This means a strong hope that our prayers will be accepted by Allah. This is also the reason we are close to Allah and expect to receive a great reward.

6. Come on’.

This means that there is a sense of shame that we have not fulfilled God’s rights properly. Then Habib Umar said, “If you have these six criteria, your prayer can be said to be a solemn prayer.”

Hopefully Allah will give us taufik and guidance so that we can practice this solemn prayer recipe. In this way, Allah made us among those who are diligent in prayer. Hope it is useful. (Z-2)

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