According to the verdict obtained by the AFP news agency on Monday, the most serious offense occurred on February 20, when the Frenchman was driving a Kia at 113 kilometers per hour in a 70 km/h zone. The court in Oslo found that the 23-year-old had posed a “danger to traffic”.
Comprehensive confession
The young man, who came to the Scandinavian country just over a month ago in search of a job, was caught speeding a total of 25 times between February 6 and 25, the local press reported. According to the newspaper Aftenposten, most speeding violations were detected by fixed radar systems whose existence the driver was unaware of.
Due to his comprehensive confession, the Frenchman was granted a reduction in prison sentence from 24 to 21 days. However, the speeder also has to forego his driving license for a year.

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