They present a project to build memorials in honor of Piñera – La Discusión 2024-03-18 14:04:49

The bench of deputies of National Renewal presented this Tuesday a project that seeks to build four monuments “in honor” of the late president Sebastián Piñera.

Talca, Copiapó, Concepción and the front of La Moneda are the places proposed to erect a memorial to the former president.

“As with other presidents, we want to recognize Sebastián Piñera, and without limiting his management to just a couple of milestones. We believe it is necessary to recognize at least 3 facts that set Chile as an example to the international community, such as reconstruction, the fight against the pandemic and the rescue of the 33 miners,” said the head of the RN bench, Frank Sauerbaum.

To finance these monuments, the parliamentarians from Piñera’s party propose the creation of a special fund through donations, and the execution of the works by an ad honorem commission made up of mayors, representatives of the National Monuments Council, RN, Fundación Futuro, the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

In addition, they expressed that the works will highlight key moments of their management, such as the management of the pandemic whose patient zero was originally from Talca, the rescue of the miners in Copiapó, the post-earthquake and tsunami reconstruction in Concepción, and a tribute in the region. Metropolitana, in front of La Moneda, in recognition of his contribution to the strengthening and defense of democracy in Chile.

On the other hand, Renovación Nacional is working on a bill to regulate the financing network of the Liceos Bicentenario, promoted during the mandates of the late former president.

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Specifically, they seek for the network to be called ‘Red de Liceos Bicentenario Presidente Sebastián Piñera Echenique’.

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