Psychologist bonus, from today questions to INPS: support of up to 1,500 euros. Here’s how to apply

Psychologist bonus, from today questions to INPS: support of up to 1,500 euros.  Here’s how to apply

From Monday 18 March until 31 May 2024 it is possible to request the so-called “ psychologist bonus ”, a support that can arrive up to 1500 euros. The indication was provided by the same social security institution in a recently published circular (34 of 15 February).

The Milleproroghe 2022 decree (law 15/22) introduced the contribution to support the expenses relating to psychotherapy sessions, aimed at providing psychological assistance to citizens who, during the period of the pandemic and the related economic crisis, have seen depression conditions increase , anxiety, stress and psychological fragility. The 2023 Budget Law (Law 197/2022) made the “Psychologist Bonus” structural, raising the maximum amount to 1,500 euros per person, within the overall limit of 5 million euros for the year 2023 and 8 million euros annually starting from the year 2024. Finally, law 191/2023, converting the “Advances Decree”, provided for an additional five million euros for 2023, thus raising the budget for that year to 10 million euros. With the February circular, INPS provided the operational indications for taking advantage of the bonus starting from 2023.

How to apply

The request to access the benefit can be submitted, exclusively electronically, by accessing the “Contribution to psychotherapy sessions” service through one of the following methods: web portal, using the specific online service accessible on the Institute’s website ( and accessible directly by the citizen via level 2 or higher SPID, Electronic identity card (CIE) 3.0 or National Services Card (CNS). A second solution is the Integrated Contact Center, by contacting the toll-free number 803.164 (free from a landline) or the number 06 164.164 (from a paid mobile network, based on the tariff applied by the various operators).

How much is the support?

The amount of the contribution cannot exceed 1,500 euros per person and is modulated based on the applicant’s ISEE. In particular, with an Indicator value less than 15,000 euros, the amount of the benefit, up to 50 euros for each session, is paid up to the maximum amount established at 1,500 euros for each beneficiary; with an ISEE value between 15,000 and 30,000 euros, the amount of the benefit, up to 50 euros for each session, is paid up to the maximum amount established at 1,000 euros for each beneficiary; with an ISEE value exceeding 30,000 and not exceeding 50,000 eurosthe amount of the benefit, up to 50 euros for each session, is paid up to the maximum amount established at 500 euros for each beneficiary.

The rankings

At the end of the period established by the Institute for the submission of applications, the rankings for the assignment of the benefit are drawn up, distinguished by Region and Autonomous Province of residence, taking into account the lowest ISEE value and, with the same ISEE value, the chronological order of submission of applications. The completion of the definition of the rankings is communicated with a specific message, published on the social security institution’s website.

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2024-03-18 12:41:57

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