Opposition – Homeless Left – Budapester Zeitung – 2024-03-18 04:23:56

National holiday / opposition / left-wing camp

The parties of the left camp each celebrated March 15th independently, without mobilizing masses.

Equality, freedom and fraternity were the slogans of the revolutionaries of 1848. “We are only a nation and a homeland when the same rules apply to everyone and no one is above the law,” explained DK MEP Klára Dobrev. She complained that the Fidesz rulers had deprived the left of their common homeland. The world looks at the Hungarians, who were promised the greatest ambitions during the transition, as losers today.

Orbán der neue Petőfi?

“The Hungarians do not tolerate being dominated,” emphasized Momentum chairwoman Anna Donáth. A “shameless and free of all scruples” Viktor Orbán is distorting reality and wants to convince the masses that he is the new Petőfi. The country is isolated in terms of foreign policy and the economy is choking on corruption.

Restoring faith in democracy and the rule of law is the most important task, said the co-chair of the Socialists, Ágnes Kunhalmi. The MSZP continues to advocate for the assertion of social and workers’ rights. Today’s fight for freedom must be waged once morest an authoritarian power that is destroying the country from within. Viktor Orbán is a danger to the EU, “which either reaches a higher level of integration or ceases to exist”.

Jobbik sees tragic nation

Márton Gyöngyösi described the revolution of 1848 as one of the greatest events in the history of a tragic nation. The leader of the center-right Jobbik party also acknowledged that changes are now possible peacefully, at the polling stations. Unfortunately, every century Hungarians have to endure arrogant rulers who simply ignore the will of the people. But on June 9, voters might show that they reject lies, propaganda and theft.

Skeptical Greens

March 15th should be regarding the heroes of the 1848 revolution, said the co-chair of the green-alternative LMP. Erzsébet Schmuck criticized those parties that abused the national holiday to declare their political programs or call for a change of power. But that is unworthy of the courageous women and men who stood up for a free Hungary 176 years ago.

… the LMP asked to commemorate the heroes of 1848 on the national day. Photo: Social Media/ LMP

#Opposition #Homeless #Left #Budapester #Zeitung



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