María Corina Machado Exposes Maduro’s Election Manipulation Tactics: A Call for Democratic Change in Venezuela

2024-03-18 03:58:32
María Corina Machado: “Maduro does not dare to compete simply because he cannot conceive of losing”

The sole candidate of the Venezuelan opposition, María Corina Machado, denounced new maneuvers by the Chavista dictatorship to manipulate the presidential elections scheduled for July 28. “Maduro does not dare to compete freely because he cannot conceive of losing,” she accused in a message uploaded to her social networks.

“I want to convey to you all my strength and my conviction that the destiny of this fight will be the freedom of Venezuela and the return of our children and grandchildren to our homes. We are experiencing very delicate hours in which the regime has intensified its usual weapons of lies, violence and fear to demoralize us and defocus us from our tasks,” Machado stated in a video broadcast on his social networks.

“They are committing very serious violations. The regime is trying to prevent my participation in the elections. It cancels the cards of the parties and movements that support me, but if it gives them to those who they say are favorable to them, it unilaterally imposes an electoral calendar that denies the right to all new voters and Venezuelans who are in the outside can register and makes the deployment of comprehensive electoral observation missions almost impossible,” said Machado.

For the opposition, “the regime wants to compete with falsely opposition candidates chosen by the Miraflores leadership.”

Dictator Nicolás Maduro confirmed that he will be Chavismo’s candidate in the elections on July 28 (EFE/ Bienvenido Velasco)

According to him, Chavista maneuvers are “a sign of their weakness”: “They have lost their social base and their blackmail mechanisms no longer work for them. The people are with us. They don’t attack because they are strong. They attack because they are politically weak and they want to hide that weakness with blows and abuse. “This is the demonstration that they know they have been defeated on the electoral route.”

Despite these challenges, Machado stated, a robust structure known as the 600 K platform has been established to defend the integrity of the vote, accompanied by the formation of the Gran Alianza Nacional Gana, a coalition of diverse sectors committed to democratic change in the country. This alliance seeks not only to confront the regime’s maneuvers but also to ensure effective and massive participation in the eventual electoral process. “We have a route, a future that also includes them,” warned the opponent, highlighting the importance of maintaining the focus on national reconstruction and the inclusion of all sectors of Venezuelan society, including those who once supported the chavismo.

Forceful in his speech, Machado differentiated himself from the Venezuelan dictatorship: “We are going to free elections and Maduro boycotts them. We travel a peaceful and mature route. It causes violence. We propose a serious negotiation for a transition with guarantees. And Maduro refuses. While the regime sells hopelessness, we have a route, a future that also includes them. What is Maduro afraid of? “Maduro fears the overwhelming will of the country that wants change, to live in peace.”

María Corina Machado denounced new maneuvers by Maduro: “The regime wants to compete with falsely opposition candidates” (REUTERS/FILE)

The democratic alliance candidate revealed that the regime wants to hold elections tailored to its needs and “ends up cornered in its own contradictions.”

And he warned: “They have two options, they facilitate a negotiated transition through free presidential elections within the framework of the Barbados Agreement or they decide to snatch it the hard way. This is the worst option for everyone and it would not prevent the transition, since neither the country nor the world will accept it. They can delay the transition, but not prevent it.”

He also challenged the international community: “Do you know what is at stake? What it would mean for Venezuela and the region if Maduro postpones a transition the hard way. “We Venezuelans are not going to accept anything different from our full freedom and the return to democracy.”

#María #Corina #Machado #denounced #Maduro #regime #committing #violations #prevent #candidacy



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