Triple alliance for a front against Tsipras 2024-03-17 15:47:22

Valid information states that the president of SYRIZA has agreed with the two top executives of SYRIZA and for a front once morest Alexis Tsipras and those who attempt to challenge him following the European elections.

The survival of Stefanos Kasselakis from the parody conference and the failure of Alexis Tsipras to “eat” his successor through the intra-party ballot was a new starting point for SYRIZA’s internal parties.

Stefanos Kasselakis was strengthened, Alexis Tsipras weakened and many executives rushed to analyze the new situation, with a different eye and criteria.

For his part, the new president of SYRIZA realized that in order for his effort to have a time horizon until the next national elections, an unmediated relationship with the members, friends and voters of SYRIZA is not enough, but it also needs to be strengthened within the party.


Nikos Pappas and Pavlos Polakis didn’t have much to think regarding when Mr. Kasselakis approached them. Alexis Tsipras had impressively “cleared” them through the mea culpa for the case of television licenses and the Novartis case, revealing his intentions towards them, if his attempt to return to the political arena goes ahead. Those who know people and things confirm that the glass between Alexis Tsipras and Pavlos Polakis has broken even before the national elections of 2023, so the decision for the “apsy Sfakianos” to continue at the side of the new president was a one-way street. The fact that in front of the members of the Political Secretariat Pavlos Polakis had apologized for supporting Stefanos Kasselakis was – by both – sidelined. Gone, forgotten…

Nikos Pappas had more to think regarding, but verified information indicates that he has made his decision to stand by Stefanos Kasselakis until the national elections, even if he has to clash with Alexis Tsipras and those known to continue to support him.

Now very experienced, Nikos Pappas and Pavlos Pollakis also see support for the new president of SYRIZA from strong economic interests, who do not want the continuation of the political dominance of Kyriakos Mitsotakis and are fighting him – inside and outside the borders – as much as they can. And they may not have participated in the now famous meeting of the northern suburbs, which was organized for two very powerful economic agents to meet Stefanos Kasselakis and pledge to support him, but they asked and learned. As Nikos Filis also learned, who recently mentioned on a television show that Mr. Kasselakis has financial sponsors. And apparently they understood that the financial interests in question cannot support both Alexis Tsipras (in the new step he will attempt) and Stefanos Kasselakis at the same time.

On the same evening of the presentation of the measures for the economy presented by Stefanos Kaselakis, Pavlos Polakis made a post on social media, informing us that this proposal was the best proposal for the economy that the Left has presented in 30 years ! We learn that Mr. Tsipras did not like this post by Pavlos Polakis at all…

Also on the same night, Koumoundourou – and not Nikos Pappas himself – made selective leaks that the entire package of measures for the economy has the signature of the responsible head of SYRIZA, Nikos Pappas.

The trio Kasselakis, Pappa, Polakis will try to answer Alexis Tsipras with his own “weapons”.


Alexis Tsipras is attempting his political rebaptism in order to attempt to return to the political scene by assuming general responsibility for the mistakes of the five-year period 2015-2019, but pointing to the SYRIZA executives who had key roles as the ones really responsible. The targeting of Pavlos Polakis and Nikos Pappas by Mr. Tsipras was noticed and understood by everyone.

The triad of Kasselakis, Pappas, Polakis is teaming up to “charge” the basic and objective responsibility for the negatives of the 2015-2019 period on Alexis Tsipras. On the one hand, to continue following the European elections and on the other hand, to cut his way back into politics…

It was no accident that the attack launched by Stefanos Kasselakis, through the interview he granted to Mega, once morest Alexis Tsipras and the period 2015-2019, which surprised many executives within the party.

And when some people were informed regarding what Stefanos Kasselakis was saying once morest Alexis Tsipras and the government period of SYRIZA in the “wells” that took place during his reception at Mega – which was more than warm-, they understood that the war until the end between former Alexis Tsipras and current Stefanos Kasselakis is inevitable.

Mr. Kasselakis is reported to have said in the corridors of Mega that in the period 2015-2019 “many things happened…”, assuring his interlocutors that his own SYRIZA will leave behind the five-year governing SYRIZA.

Recently, the Kasselakis team has been joined by experienced political communication professionals – some of whom are said not to be from Greece – who add new elements to the profile of the SYRIZA leader, without abandoning his lifestyle side, which has been measured as “sells” to a basically apolitical public, which is not at all negligible in Greek society.

“It seems he has found his own Greenberg,” he tells ET. of Sunday executive who often collaborates with the Kasselakis staff, in the field of his preparation before his public appearances and who characterizes the resignation A dozen from the Poulantza Institute (following her escape Vasiliki Koltsida and her group) as a sign that Stefanos Kasselakis, following the European elections, will attempt to drastically change the ideological and political profile of SYRIZA.

What exactly happened with the resignation confirmation Othona Iliopoulos and its cancellation within a few hours, will be known soon.

Also a crucial question for the viability of the alliance Kasselakis, Papa, Polaki is how the two top executives of SYRIZA will handle the big changes that Mr. Kasselakis is preparing, for which those who have knowledge of the preparation say that if they go ahead, SYRIZA is over! If not so much for Nikos Pappas, certainly for Pavlos Polakis.

An experienced executive who knows both Nikos Pappas and Pavlos Polakis very well tells “ET”: “As far as Nikos Pappas is concerned, he is always ready to show great flexibility in matters of ideological and political principles, if he considers that it is worth it… As far as Pavlos Polakis is concerned, I do not agree with you that he will be asked to leave the principles of the Left that he represents. I think they are fine meeting with Stefanos Kasselakis in what the professor has already named Nikolas Sevastakishybrid populism…”.

Everything shows that the president of SYRIZA has made some concessions in the staffing of the European ballot and the highest governing bodies that will emerge following the internal party elections, in order to proceed with the changes he wants, in the ideological physiognomy and in the political direction of SYRIZA. Many say his aim is to lead a wild-card party that will hover above 10% and appeal to the center and middle class, clearly abandoning the Left. And he will do this at the re-establishment conference following the European elections.

For the European elections, the president of SYRIZA reportedly estimates that SYRIZA will get 17% and at the same time – now having the support of Pappas and Polakis – he challenges anyone who wants, including Alexis Tsipras, to challenge him following June 10 .

At the same time, however, he is preparing crucial votes in the editorial conference. Votes for the change of position of SYRIZA on emblematic issues, such as e.g. whether SYRIZA will join the Eurogroup of the Left or the Eurogroup of the Social Democrats or whether it will support the revision of article 16. We note here that the majority will open the debate on which articles should be proposed for revision in the next Parliament in the autumn, looking for 180 votes that will define the next Parliament as revisionist.

#Triple #alliance #front #Tsipras



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