Importation without taxes in Cuba ends in March 2024. What should you know? 2024-03-17 08:58:59

Importation without taxes in Cuba ends in March 2024. What should you know?
 2024-03-17 08:58:59

The import without customs taxes of food, hygiene, medicines and medical supplies to Cuba ends in March 2024. Will there be a new extension?

Resolution 280 of 2023, which allows the import of food, hygiene products, medicines and medical supplies without paying customs taxes, will be extended until the end of this month.

This measure, which began as a response to the country’s health and economic crisis in 2021, has been extended several times.

Food, hygiene, medicines and medical supplies: what you should know regarding the extension of Resolution 280/2023

The benefits, which include the importation of these products by both passengers and shipments, are detailed below:

  1. The import of food, hygiene products, medicines and medical supplies is allowed without value limits and without paying taxes. This applies to passengers who bring these items as accompanied baggage.
  2. The import of the same items is authorized up to a limit of 500 dollars or 50 kg, without paying taxes. This applies to passengers who bring these items as unaccompanied baggage.
  3. Increases the value limit for non-commercial imports made by natural persons through shipments, from 200 to 500 dollars. The first $30 of the shipping value is tax exempt.
  4. Shipments of food, hygiene products, medicines and medical supplies are allowed up to a limit of 200 dollars or 20 kg, without paying taxes.

It is important to highlight that this measure is exceptional and temporary, and does not imply a permanent modification of the current customs regime.

Black market vs. basic needs: How to control the use of the extension to import without taxes?

The Minister of Finance and Prices of Cuba, Vladimir Regueiro Ale, has recognized that the measure has a positive impact on the population, since it involves basic elements for the family economy.

However, he also noted that some people have used this provision to supply goods for their own businesses, which are sometimes not legal or have the appropriate authorizations.

To address this problem, the minister stated that the application of these benefits will not be restricted, but rather greater control and rigor will be implemented in the monitoring of these cases.

Recently, an article by Escambray alleged that this measure of importing basic products to Cuba has facilitated the black market for medicines. The Cuban police even asked for complaints and evidence from the population, since without evidence they might not accuse anyone.

Resolution 280/2023 is an exceptional and temporary measure that seeks to alleviate the economic situation and the shortage of basic products in Cuba. This is an opportunity for people to import food, hygiene, medicines and medical supplies without paying taxes.

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