Love in inflation: Love at first sight at zero interest

2024-03-15 14:47:51

Breaking news! In 2024, when we love, we count. Because, in times of crisis, the relation rentable has many advantages… Study of the file by our expert-lover.

Ouch. Only the third month of 2024, and already the taste of a bitter year in your mouth, from being the triple cheated of what you so strongly hoped would be a “beneficial” romance? You put time (a lot), energy (a lot) and good will (in abundance) to cultivate your affair and then, unfortunately, an ungrateful partner torpedoes this “blue dream”. Through uninhibited I-don’t-care attitude, or Juanesque indelicacy. ” All that for this “. At the time of the balance sheet, the impression of being the turkey of the joke – or rather a clumsy investor. Because yes, even if it is a secret well kept by the feverish defenders of love-nothing-but-love, the term rationalist economics has its place in the mature reflection on conjugality 2024 version . Simply because at a time when the trend is towards sociological calculation of the “cost of the couple”, and questioning an asymmetrical distribution of “mental loads”, the lover – however soul mate he may be – also represents “partner capital”.

Something in which you have “placed”, and which you monitor like the CAC 40 price. Just to be sure not to waste time. And to have bet on the right horse, with the aim, quite reasonable in fact, of being, at least a little, “pulled up” by your other half. By virtue of the good old principle: as a couple, as in everything else, let’s combine business with pleasure. Simply.


Certainly, we will respond that “make a couple” to embellish – optimize? – a personal situation is nothing new. It’s so true that it was even the norm for centuries, in the “arranged marriage” format. Until the dizzying Western shift towards a romantic-bourgeois model which spread the idea, very absurd at the time, that one might marry “ in happiness and in trials ” the loved one. By eclipsing, if possible, any question of interest. Unless you want to tarnish the sparkle of amorous conflagration, with such base considerations… Anyway.

Modern romance is unique in that it makes a big difference between these two approaches, although they are polar opposites. Neither We are a man cynical reducing his “sugar partner” to a wallet on his back, nor enthusiastic so fooled that he would have become blind to questions of “romantic profits”, the single new gen assumes an in-between position. There is love transcendence, of course. But also the rest. Let’s be frank: one bonus point for the aura of social prestige, two for a body sculpted by years of climbing (it seems to be fashionable) and so on. Several down-to-earth considerations, which have not gone under the radar of digital dating platforms. Over the years, these modern Cupids, whose arrows gave birth to 24% of French couples in 2022 according to the Statista website, have refined the personalization of “user bios”. To the point that we can (and must…) now provide a wealth of ultra-personal information. Are we multilingual? BAC +5? Smoker? And if so, from what? Etc.

An exercise in transparency – self-marketing? – possibly fair play at first glance which also hides a contractual dimension. Eh yes. To proclaim that one is “sporty” is to sell oneself as an attractive investment (in relation to healthy living, longevity, etc.), while making a moral commitment to being sporty, within the framework of a connection. Otherwise, alert to false advertising. So much for the appropriate precautions, in the seduction phase. What regarding the relational stage? Here too, the requirement is there. Thanks to feminist contributions, “sacrificial” relationships are finally denounced for what they are: toxic. So much the better ! Exit the love-passion scam, glamorizing romantic disappointments to the extreme – even domestic violence. And welcome to the aspiration, more than legitimate, for “returns on investment” in love. Of care, sexual listening, a few gifts anyway, we’re not stupid, even in times of ultra-inflation, and then infinite patience, with regard to this in-laws, so fond of Sunday karaoke. The new standard of a healthy relationship, in short. Because everything is moving.

FRAUD blunder

As conjugality is less and less considered as the condition sine qua non of personal development, and that the human sciences highlight in fluorescent green the weight of the couple on personal trajectories – especially female ones, whether in relation to domestic tasks or parental investment -, we grant ourselves the right to be more observant. A question of progressivism, not “mischievousness”. For the sake of independence, therefore, we ensure that the other can follow the pace of life to which we aspire. Dating someone, yes. But if it’s to sacrifice their lifelong projects on the couple’s altar – this famous ayahuasca trip in the Peruvian Amazon, for example – without ceremony. Better to be alone than… Anyway.

Out of a concern for reasoned self-esteem, we expect a partner to provide stimulation. May he encourage ambition, may he be available. Until the prospect of a birth, of course. Who will have the most accommodating job, the most educational touch, to raise a child? Let’s push the thinking to its peak – while remaining really lucid, mind you. While one in two marriages ends in divorce in France, which profile would fit most easily into the mold of the “broken” family? “ Darling, take away a doubt from me. On your Tinder profile, you described yourself as a “golden ex”, right? “. Watch out for fraud.

Par Antonin Gratien

#Love #inflation #Love #sight #interest



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