the work carried out around six major issues

2024-03-13 22:00:00

Public Health France’s work program takes into account the orientations of the national health strategy, the work priorities set by the ministry in charge of Health and prevention and the agency’s contribution to health plans and programs. public. It aims to guarantee, at all points in the territory, a reactive and adapted response to threats weighing on the health of the population as well as the provision of levers, whether individual or collective, making it possible to promote environments and behaviors favorable to better health for all. Our program is part of strong strategic orientations such as excellence in expertise, openness to society and innovation.

In 2024, in addition to the continuity of the work already initiated, several major areas of development will be at work such as the animation and strengthening of monitoring and surveillance systems, the modernization of our information systems, or even the creation of work resulting from the objectives of major national and regional plans… and all in a “ One Health – healthy health”.

The 6 major challenges of the Public Health France program

Anticipation, preparation and response to public health threats, including epidemics Digital in public health Environmental health, climate change, working environments Burden of diseases and their determinants, effectiveness of interventions and return on investment in prevention Prevention strategy, marketing social and population approach Social inequalities, territorial vulnerabilities

This national programming is implemented in the region in the activities of regional units and makes it possible in particular to act on social inequalities, and thus strengthen the protection of the most vulnerable populations, as close as possible to their places of life, in consultation with local stakeholders. . The annual program also relies on strengthened collaborations with public health research and the construction of innovative programs with partners and counterpart agencies. The Agency’s expertise is also called upon throughout the year to respond to the numerous public health issues that may emerge or to the needs of decision-makers.

“The 2024 work program of Public Health France which recalls our missions and affirms our commitment to the populations. Our project is ambitious for public health. It requires close collaboration between different actors, at the national and international level and is based on strengthened partnerships. In a context of climate and societal changes, and particularly in this year marked by the hosting of the #JOP2024, our action is based on a strong collective oriented towards expertise, openness to society and the ability to innovate.”

Dr Caroline Semaille, Director General of Public Health France

Focus on some key areas of the 2024 program

Reducing social health inequalities

In order to better understand the mechanisms of social health inequalities, our role is to raise awareness and mobilize knowledge for public health advocacy in order to promote intersectoral responses in favor of the development of environments favorable to health and equity. in health. It is also regarding making indicators and action levers available to field stakeholders and decision-makers. Two populations particularly concerned will be prioritized; early childhood and people far from the health system by relying on health mediation, knowledge mobilization and health literacy.

More concretely, following having identified in 2023 the most relevant social indicators to integrate into our surveys (housing, origins and employment), a summary of its needs will be produced in 2024 in terms of collection and use of indicators on these determinants so that they are systematically integrated into our studies. Particular attention will be paid to individuals excluded from employment, with an in-depth examination of their profile and state of health, based on the EDP-santé and the Public Health France Barometers.

Communication and social marketing systems will be pursued taking into account the digital skills of the target audiences for better support from the most disadvantaged populations.

The mental health challenge

Mental health is a major determinant of a healthy population. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, mental health disorders already represented a significant burden and the health crisis has largely contributed to amplifying it, particularly among children and young people, with marked social inequalities with potential long-term effects. . The economic emergency linked to the crisis thus required reinforced monitoring with rapid responses in terms of prevention and support to prevent disorders such as reactive psychological distress from taking hold.

The implementation of a sustainable communication strategy on mental health (2023-2026), announced in the first measure of the foundations of mental health and psychiatry in September 2021, is now underway. An operational communications program has been developed for the period 2023-2027, structured around three axes:

Prevent ill-being, psychological disorders and associated risky behaviors. Promote mental health and psychological well-being. Combat the stigmatization of people affected by a psychological disorder.

Among its priorities, Public Health France aims to strengthen prevention and promotion systems for mental health, in particular:

support for parenthood and the development of psychosocial skills for children and adolescents; information and communication (promoting identification and early care, access to mental health resources and the adoption of behaviors conducive to mental health).

Strengthening surveillance systems and information systems

Modern epidemiological surveillance must be based on information systems deployed in all territories, collecting quality data, in continuous time, in order to produce robust epidemiological indicators making it possible to monitor important events such as the emergence of new pathologies or the health consequences of industrial accidents. This requires in particular creating new national information systems and having data available for health monitoring and surveillance purposes.

Furthermore, strengthening monitoring and surveillance systems will also involve pursuing an integrated approach to surveillance for the prevention of winter epidemics such as influenza, RSV and COVID-19 and a dynamic of innovation and partnership with research, such as with the Emergen Consortium, in close collaboration with ANRS-Emerging Infectious Diseases or the deployment of the Sum’eau wastewater monitoring system, in conjunction with ANSES.

Modernization of information systems

As part of a global modernization strategy, the agency is committed to continuing efforts to modernize its information systems in order to strengthen its operational efficiency, as well as its responsiveness to health emergencies; this will be particularly the case with the development of a new information system for the health reserve.

The provision of accessible, relevant and reference scientific information through its communication tools and the strengthening of the open data strategy also constitutes a major lever for the agency’s action with the aim of better integrate population and geographic approaches, to offer restitution methods adapted to all user profiles. This will result in particular in 2024 in the deployment of a new open data platform, with the aim of greater appropriation of the indicators produced by the agency by the general public.

One health: environmental health, climate change and work environment

The global changes already visible and to come, whether climatic, environmental or societal, require us to anticipate their effects on health, with the aim of mitigating impacts and adapting the population to new risks.

It is crucial to cross-reference different data to better understand how exposure to various risks, such as the environment and work, affects health. Public Health France evaluates these exposures to estimate their impact on public health, propose interventions to reduce them, and promote healthy environments in principle in principle “ One health ».

The agency’s objectives in 2024 are:

Characterize exposures and health impacts to contribute to prevention strategies at European, national or local scale, for example with the launch of the pilot phase of the Albane survey, in collaboration with ANSES, on food, nutrition, health status and biomonitoring. Strengthen and modernize systems for monitoring, observation and prevention of risks linked to the general and/or professional environment, for example by continuing its work on monitoring musculoskeletal disorders. -skeletal, based on the results of the Constance and Coset cohorts. Develop influence and advocacy strategies to promote developments favorable to health.
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