The Science Behind Resistant Starch: How Cooling Potatoes, Pasta, and Rice Can Help You Lose Weight

The Science Behind Resistant Starch: How Cooling Potatoes, Pasta, and Rice Can Help You Lose Weight

2024-03-16 10:13:51

Pasta, potatoes and rice should be avoided in the diet because they provide a lot of carbohydrates and make you fat. But did you know that carbohydrates decrease if you let the dish cool? These are converted into resistant starch and travel through our body without being digested. You can read how and why this happens here. We will also give you general tips for preparing pasta, potatoes, etc.

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What is resistant starch?

Resistant starch is formed by cooling cooked, starchy foods such as potatoes, rice and pasta. This cooling process changes the chemical structure of the starch, with the entire process taking place in approximately 12 to 24 hours.

Benefits of Resistant Starch

Freshly prepared potatoes, pasta, rice and even bread contain a significant amount of starch. As soon as we consume these foods, the enzymatic breakdown of the complex carbohydrates begins in the mouth, which are ultimately absorbed into the blood in the intestine as glucose. This leads to one Increase in blood sugar levels, which releases insulin to transport the simple sugar glucose into cells. This is precisely where the crucial difference lies between starch and its resistant form.

Cool potatoes, pasta, rice etc. so that they are less fattening?

The resistant starch created by cooking and then thoroughly cooling potatoes, rice and pasta becomes a Fiber that can no longer be broken down by digestive enzymes. After eating such dishes from the “leftover kitchen”, the blood sugar level rises less and the secretion of insulin is lower. This makes us feel fuller for longer. In addition, we also save calories compared to the consumption of the freshly cooked original the body hardly absorbs any glucose from warmed carbohydrate sources.

Resistant starch under the microscope – that’s what science says

Cooling already cooked pasta, potatoes and rice for at least twelve hours sets in Crystallization process a. Studies at the Medicum Hamburg medical center have shown that this process is accelerated at temperatures between minus and plus eight degrees Celsius. However, it should be noted that the resulting amount of indigestible fiber is limited. For example, you can: no more than 30 percent of potato starch be made water-insoluble.

Allowing carbohydrate-rich food to cool: How big is the effect?

The cooling process only saves small amounts of calories. It is estimated that resistant starch can be used roughly Reduce around ten percent of calories.

Interesting to know: Although resistant starch is not digested, it is digested in the large intestine Fermentation by bacteria. This process leads to the creation of Butyrat, a salt of butyric acid. Butyrate supports the development of healthy intestinal flora and has a positive effect on the intestinal immune defenses. Among other things, butyrate supplies the colon cells with energy, detoxifies harmful substances and stimulates cell division and cell renewal in the intestinal mucosa.

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If you’ve always wondered how you can save calories on potatoes, pasta, etc., we have some practical tips for you here:

  • Prepare the dish the day before: The process of cooling and reheating increases the resistant starch content.
  • Let it cool well: The longer it takes to cool down, preferably in the refrigerator, the higher the resistant starch content is.
  • Eat lots of vegetables: Not only are vegetables healthy and provide valuable nutrients, they can also help reduce the overall calorie count of your meal. The fiber contained in vegetables keeps you full for longer. An important Glukose-Trick, To keep blood sugar levels in check: Eat the vegetables first, then the protein and then the carbohydrates.
  • Pay attention to sauces: Many sauces, such as Alfredo sauces and rich cheese sauces, are true calorie giants. Choose lighter sauces and prepare them yourself to control your calorie intake. Conventional ready-made sauces from the supermarket are often full of sugar and unhealthy additives. How regarding a homemade classic arrabbiata sauce?
  • Also interesting: 4 quick following-work recipes that have less than 300 calories. We also have a food check for you here: These foods are healthier than you think.

    Here’s how you can eat pasta and still lose weight:

    Our recommendation: Healthy eating and exercise are still important

    A healthy diet and regular exercise are still crucial. Although eating resistant starch can reduce your calorie intake, it won’t necessarily make you lose weight.

    Remember that how you prepare your food has a significant impact on its nutrient density and calorie content. Prefer best healthy preparation methods such as steaming, grilling, roasting or baking with little fat. Also try to avoid fried foods like fries, or at least enjoy them in moderation, as they have a high fat content.

    The best french fries recipes

    Also, make sure to keep control of your portion sizes. Preparing appropriate portions is crucial because even healthy foods can lead to a calorie surplus if you consume them in too large quantities. So be aware of the amounts you eat.

    Tip for Portion control: Use smaller plates.

    Overall: Your diet should be balanced, with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, legumes, lean proteins, and whole grains. This forms the basis for a healthy lifestyle and supports your weight loss goals.

    Conclusion: Do cold noodles etc. really have fewer calories?

    The effect of saving calories through the cooling process is low. The resulting indigestible amount of fiber is limited to a maximum of 30 percent. This will make only saved small amounts of calories.

    This means that we can take advantage of the benefits of resistant starch and that it plays a supporting role in calorie control – but we should not consider cooling pasta etc. as the sole strategy for weight management. A holistic approach that includes a balanced diet, conscious preparation methods and regular exercise remains crucial for long-term weight loss success and health.

    Which has fewer calories, rice or pasta?

    The calorie content of rice and pasta varies depending on the type. Both rice and pasta contain regarding 350 calories per 100 grams in their uncooked state. Cooked rice has 140 to 160 calories per 100 grams, depending on the variety. Pasta can contain between 124 and 160 calories per 100 grams.

    What is better for losing weight rice or pasta?

    Unlike many other processed carbohydrates, pasta has a low glycemic index. This means that they do not raise blood sugar levels as much as rice, for example. This means that cravings do not occur once more so quickly following consumption.

    Does rice or potatoes have fewer calories?

    Cooked potatoes tend to have fewer calories than cooked rice. However, both can be nutritious options when consumed in moderation and with healthy side dishes. There are around 120 kilocalories on the plate if you serve 100 grams of cooked rice. In comparison, the same amount of potatoes contains around 70 calories.

    Which side dishes have the fewest calories?

    Vegetables like broccoli, lettuce, and green beans are low-calorie side dishes while being high in nutrients. Steamed or grilled vegetables and quinoa are also good options to control your overall calorie intake and enjoy a balanced meal.

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