What is today, March 14, a holiday – everything about this day, what a church holiday, what should not be done

Today, March 14, is the Day of the Ukrainian Volunteer. Believers honor the memory of Saint Benedict. There are 292 days left until the New Year.

March 14, 2024 — Thursday. 750th day of the war in Ukraine.

What a church holiday today, March 14

March 14 in the church calendar — St. Benedict’s Memorial Day. He was born in Nursia in the family of a noble Roman. As a child, he was sent to Rome, where he studied. When the young man turned 20 years old, he realized that he did not want to stay in the city. Solitude and a pious life were much closer to him. Therefore, Benedict went to a small settlement in the mountains.

After some time, he settled in a cave, where he lived for three years. During this time, many people came to him for blessings. And when the abbot of the local monastery died, people asked Benedict to take his place. But the saint introduced such strict rules for monks that people did not like them at all. Therefore, he settled in the cave again.

Students from different parts of the country came to Benedict. He divided them into 12 groups and placed a superior at the head of each. In 530 he settled on Mount Cassino, where he soon founded his monastery. Later, he formed the famous order of Benedictines. He died in 547 in Cassino.

What not to do on March 14

  • Swearing, quarreling and slandering are prohibited – you will bring trouble on yourself.
  • You cannot work physically, this day is for prayers.
  • It is not recommended to start any new business – it will not lead to good.

Folk signs and traditions for March 14

Among our ancestors there were many interesting omens for this day:

  • looked at what day it is today: the cow refuses to drink water – wait for the rain;
  • fog indicates a wet summer;
  • the cow began to milk worse – the weather will worsen;
  • frosty day – wait another week for frost;
  • clouds float high and fast – the weather will be good;
  • hear thunder – wait for a warm summer.

On March 14, a cow refuses to drink water — wait for the rain / Photo: Pexels

In ancient times, they tried to dedicate this day entirely to livestock. Very often, shedding and pregnancy occurred during this period. Therefore, the animals were fed well, taken out to the yard to be washed, and the barn was cleaned. Horseshoes were changed, manes were cut. And the housewives washed all the dirty things in the rivers.

Name day: how to name a child born on March 14

What are today’s birthdays: Mykhailo, Rostislav.

The talisman of a person born on March 14 is given. One of the most unusual stones in the world. Known since ancient times, it was widely used by the Egyptians, beryl jewelry was especially popular with Queen Cleopatra.

Born on this day:

  • 1937 — Ukrainian director and actor Volodymyr Saveliev;
  • 1940 — Viktor Yosypovych Shovkun, translator, writer, literary editor;
  • 1970 — Ukrainian hockey player and coach Vitaly Lytvynenko.

Commemorative dates of March 14

Calendar of important events in Ukraine and the world for March 14:

  • 1489 – Queen of Cyprus Catherine Cornaro is forced to sell her kingdom to Venice;
  • 1492 – Queen Isabella of Castile orders the expulsion of 150,000 Jews from Spain if they do not convert to Catholicism;
  • 1839 – speaking to his colleagues, John Herschel uses the term “photograph” for the first time;
  • 1900 – US law establishes gold as the only standard for redeeming paper money, fixing the value of the dollar at 1.5046 grams of pure gold;
  • 1914 — pilot Petro Nesterov and mechanic Rudenko make the first flight from Kyiv to Odessa;
  • 1917 — the Congress of Cooperators of the Kyiv Oblast begins in Kyiv (lasted 2 days);
  • 1923 — the Council of Ambassadors of the Entente states makes the final decision on the annexation of Eastern Galicia and Western Volhynia to Poland, recognizing them as annexation;
  • 1939 – the First Slovak Republic is proclaimed;
  • 1956 – Ampex presents the first practical VCR VRX-1000 in Chicago;
  • 1958 — the first gold disc in the music industry was certified;
  • 1990 – in the Lviv region, the national symbol – the flag of Ukraine – is raised in Stryi, the first of the Ukrainian cities;
  • 1994 – Linux 1.0.0 is released;
  • 2014 — the first battle with the use of firearms in the Russian-Ukrainian war takes place on Rymarska Street in Kharkiv;
  • 2014 — the first 500 volunteer fighters of Maidan Self-Defense arrive at the Novy Petrivtsi training ground to form the first volunteer battalion to protect Ukraine from Russian armed aggression.
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Weather for March 14

Today, March 14, it will be cloudy in Kyiv, it will rain from morning to late evening. It is gloomy in Lviv, it will rain lightly throughout the day. It is cloudy in Kharkiv, it will rain all day. It is gloomy in Odessa, without precipitation.

The air temperature in Kyiv is +4 during the day and +2 at night. In Lviv — +5 during the day and +3 at night. In Kharkiv – +6 during the day and +3 at night. In Odesa, it is +11 during the day and +4 at night.

What a day today is in Ukraine and the world

In Ukraine, March 14 is Ukrainian Volunteer Day / Photo: Pexels

March 14 is celebrated in Ukraine and the world International Question Day. A holiday that encourages people to ask questions and look for answers. It was created in honor of Albert Einstein’s birthday.

Also on March 14 International School Meals Day. A global event that highlights the importance of nutritious food in educational institutions. It helps to raise awareness about the role of proper nutrition in schools, to tell how it affects the success of students and the well-being of children. The holiday was launched in March 2013, but was popular in the USA and Great Britain, and later only spread to other countries of the world.

In Ukraine on March 14 Day of the Ukrainian volunteer. The event was created by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on January 17, 2017. The date was not chosen by chance. It was on this day in 2014 that the first volunteers from the Maidan arrived in Novaya Petrivka to undergo combat training. The main purpose of this day is to strengthen the patriotic spirit. It is also an opportunity to thank the volunteer soldiers who defend our country.

And March 14 The holiday of scientists or Genius Day. It was started in honor of Albert Einstein’s birthday. He is known as the author of the theory of relativity, and is a Nobel laureate. Time magazine even named Einstein Man of the Century. Interestingly, after the scientist’s death, his brain was preserved for research.

March 14 is celebrated International Day of Mathematics. The holiday was created on the initiative of the International Mathematical Union in November 2019 during the UNESCO conference. The date of the celebration was chosen in honor of International “Pi” Day and the first three signs of this mathematical constant (3.14 — according to the American notation system, it is March 14).

Also on March 14 International Day Against Dams (International Day of Rivers). The holiday was started by the American organization “International River Network” in March 1997. Its main goal is to increase people’s awareness of the negative impact of dams on the river ecosystem.

And March 14 International Pi Day. The event was invented by physicist Larry Shaw in 1987. The number “Pi” is the ratio of the length of a circle to its diameter. It was known to scientists even in the ancient world. For example, Archimedes calculated it accurately, and the number symbol itself appeared only in 1706.

March 14 World Kidney Day. The event was launched by the International Federation of Kidney Foundation together with the World Society of Nephrology in 2006. In 2008, Ukraine joined it.

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