Excluded from Poland 2050 MP Gomoła: This conversation took place

MP Adam Gomoła confirmed on TVN24 that the transcripts of his conversation published last week by “Nowa Trybuna Opolska” are authentic. “This conversation took place, this conversation took place with a candidate I had known for a long time,” he admitted. The newspaper reported that it had obtained a recording in which MP Gomoła allegedly persuaded one of the politicians to pay PLN 20,000. PLN to the account of the private company of the head of his electoral staff in exchange for the first place on the list.

Adam Gomoła / Marcin Obara / PAP

On the same day following the publication of “NTO”, Adam Gomoła was excluded from Poland 2050.

Gomoła was asked on TVN24 whether the recently revealed transcripts of his conversation were authentic. Yes, this conversation took place, this conversation took place with a candidate with whom I had known for a long time, who helped me in the parliamentary campaign and encouraged me to recommend him for the Third Way local government list – admitted Gomoła on TVN24. This conversation was part of a longer discussion, he added.

Fragments of conversations were selected to suggest this – he said when asked regarding breaking the law in connection with financing the campaign in this way.

As he said, “if” charges were brought, “I will waive my immunity and I will answer like any other citizen.” But like every other citizen, I want to have the presumption of innocence and until this matter is resolved, I will carry out the mission entrusted to me by nearly 22,000 voters, he said.

On the other hand, my relatives and colleagues began to receive calls encouraging them to provide even more materials that were intended to discredit me, the politician continued. According to the MP, some of the calls in this case are anonymous, but one of the leading politicians in the region also allegedly called.

In his opinion, the disclosure of the recording was a “well-organized provocation”, the mechanism of which he intends to reveal, although there is not enough evidence yet.

The MP expressed the suspicion that if he had been in a different political environment, the matter “would have spread across the board.” I am proud of my party for acting so decisively, he said. After the words of support from my community, I believe that I will come back and I will come back stronger – he assured.

Last Friday morning, Polska 2050 announced that MP Adam Gomoła had been suspended from the party and the parliamentary club.

The decision to exclude Adam Gomoła from the party was announced on Friday evening in another statement posted on the party’s website. “On March 8, 2024, the party’s National Board adopted a resolution excluding Adam Gomoła from Poland 2050, Szymon Hołownia,” we read.

“All members of the Poland 2050 party, in accordance with the statute, are obliged to comply with generally accepted ethical standards, as well as conscientiously and reliably perform the functions entrusted to them in elections to public bodies on the recommendation of the party. The situation leaves doubts whether in the case of MP Adam Gomoła the standards of transparency and transparency were maintained. Therefore, based on the vote of the members of the party’s national board, MP Adam Gomoła was today excluded from the Poland 2050 party,” the statement said.

Poland’s Decision 2050 is a reaction to the article that “Nowa Trybuna Opolska” published on its website last Friday.

“The conversation took place in mid-February, before the lists for the local elections were closed. The recording includes the voice of MP Adam Gomoła, the youngest Polish parliamentarian and leader of the Opole structures of Poland 2050. Gomoła explains to the candidate how to bypass the limit on financing the election campaign and recommends depositing the money into a private account. company,” NTO reported.

It was regarding PLN 20,000. zlotys. According to “Nowa Trybuna Opolska”, the money was to be transferred to the account of a company run by the head of the party’s staff in the Opole region, Szymon Hołownia, a close associate of the MP.

“To justify the payment, an agreement was prepared which provided for the provision of image consulting services, including ‘preparation of reports on the effects of the activities carried out’,” reports “NTO”.

The newspaper reported that – according to its knowledge – the candidate who was offered this option ultimately did not pay any money and ultimately did not receive number one on the Poland 2050 list.

Adam Gomoła is 25 years old and the youngest MP in the Sejm of the current term. He comes from Opole.

In the parliamentary elections on October 15, 2023, he ran from the first place on Szymon Hołownia’s Third Way PSL-Polski 2050 list in district no. 21 in the elections to the Sejm.

He won 21,923 votes and obtained a parliamentary seat.



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