14-year-old accused of rape in Carinthia

14-year-old accused of rape in Carinthia

A 14-year-old teenager is said to have raped an 11-year-old girl in Carinthia in January. A spokeswoman for the Klagenfurt public prosecutor confirmed a corresponding media report on Wednesday in response to an APA request.

An indictment – not yet legally binding – was brought once morest the young person. He had been in custody for five weeks but has now been released. A 13-year-old boy is also said to have been involved. He is said to have partially filmed the crime, but is not yet of criminal responsibility.

SERVICE – In Austria, women who experience violence can find help and information at the women’s helpline at: 0800-222-555, www.frauenhelpline.at; at the Association of Autonomous Austrian Women’s Shelters (AÖF) at www.aoef.at; at the Carinthia Violence Protection Center: www.gsz-ktn.at and 0463 590 290; at the Carinthian Women’s Department: Frauen.ktn.gv.at/service/violentschutz and 050 536 33052 as well as the 24-hour women’s emergency number: 01-71719; Police emergency number: 133


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