SPÖ gentleman on Volkshilfe study: “Results drastically show the government’s inaction”

2024-03-15 14:58:06

Those affected by poverty are particularly suffering from the climate crisis – measures must be implemented urgently

Vienna (OTS/SK) – “The Volkshilfe study presented today, Friday, shows how people affected by poverty are particularly suffering from the climate crisis and the great burdens that come with it,” says SPÖ environmental spokeswoman Julia Herr and calls on the federal government to accept these results to be taken seriously and to comply with the derivations and recommendations. According to the study, people affected by poverty suffer particularly from heat and cold, are increasingly affected by health problems and feel poorly protected from environmental pollution. In addition, energy poverty is a major issue and many are financially severely limited in their food consumption. “People affected by poverty already have a particularly difficult time – the climate crisis now represents an additional major burden,” says Herr, who in this context points to the recommended measures in the study, particularly in the areas of housing and energy, which urgently need to be implemented. ****

A central point is improving living conditions. “Rent price regulation, the expansion of public housing or the promotion of renovations – these would all be measures that would help,” said the SPÖ environmental spokeswoman. Herr criticizes the fact that the federal government has simply stood by and watched the huge increases in rent prices in recent years instead of actively intervening in rents and capping prices. For example, the SPÖ applications for a rent freeze and a rent cap were rejected by the government. The study also mentions a right to affordable and clean energy in order to counteract energy poverty. Herr said: “Other countries have shown, especially during the energy crisis, how price interventions can reduce energy costs sustainably. We as the SPÖ have also demanded this for Austria. But the Austrian federal government only watched – with the result that Austria has the highest inflation in Western Europe and the population is still suffering from high energy prices. That needs to change!”

“In view of the inflation crisis, which is primarily driven by high energy and housing prices, we will not let up here,” said Herr, referring to the SPÖ’s demands for a rent cap and regulation of high energy prices. “In this way, people affected by poverty can be helped quickly and the effects of the climate crisis and inflation can be cushioned!” (Conclusion) sd/lp

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