Dulceida confesses that she has an eschatological WhatsApp group, that they asked her for her used panties and that she has two great pleasures | Programs

Dulceida confesses that she has an eschatological WhatsApp group, that they asked her for her used panties and that she has two great pleasures |  Programs

Martínez y Hermanos has already premiered its second open program, on Cuatro and it has done so with Dulceida, Gorka Otxoa and Sergio Scariolo and, once once more, we have discovered many things regarding the guests that they do not normally talk regarding.

The presenter asked the influencer regarding the number of proposals that should come to her and wanted to know which was the strangest. And everyone was shocked when he answered: “There is one thing that my representative only told me so that we might laugh together. Suddenly they wrote to him so that we might sell them my used panties. A very strange thing. It was a website for people’s used panties.” .

Gorka claimed that he had discovered it recently and that he had been amazed by the amount of money that type of business generated.

The eschatological WhatsApp

And that has led Dani to ask the influencer regarding a very eschatological WhatsApp group she has. “There is my friend Madame de Rosa, my friend Luc Loren, my wife, Susana Bicho… my group of friends and you can only talk with poop emoticons. Every time you go to the bathroom you have to report to the group. It was Susana’s idea that she wanted to make a video of how many times because she said that she pooped many times a day, and it is a lie because it is the one she is doing the least,” she said.

The presenter asked him for more details such as knowing when there was more bowel movement and he did not hesitate, “in the morning, for sure.” And then there’s Madame de Rosa, “she almost never poops and when she does, she decorates it with something exciting, like someone doing a handstand, like, I’ve done it.”

Dulceida’s pleasures

In the round of questions, one referred to strange pleasures. Gorka had none and Dulceida confessed two.

“They are two pleasures that I do at the same time and that seem very strange to people, but to me it seems like the most normal thing in the world, because I was born that way. To sleep, relax or enjoy and have pleasure I suck my finger and touch my ears “I like it more than making love, having my hair touched, giving me a massage,” she admitted.

And Dani didn’t think twice and invited her to find someone in the audience to lend her ear, which had to be “big, soft and cold.” To the street they sent him to get his temperature.

Stranger things have been seen on television.

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