Forceful opposition rejection in the Senate of Milei’s DNU and the debate passes to Deputies

2024-03-14 23:17:00

This Thursday, the Senate took the first step towards the rejection of the controversial decree 70/2023 signed by President Javier Milei just 11 days following his inauguration and passed the ball to Deputies where there is still not the necessary number to complete the rejection that would leave the presidential text out of date.

After three requests for a special session by the senators of Unión por la Patria, Vice President Victoria Villarruel finally had to comply with the regulations and call a session to address the matter, despite the strong refusal that arose from the Executive Branch. that failed to stop the session.

“The Executive Branch hopes that the Legislative Branch does not allow itself to be captivated by the siren song of those who seek to score short-term victories to the detriment of the future of the 45 million Argentines,” said the statement issued by the Office on Thursday night. of the President, which already revealed the internal relationship with Villarruel.

Tonight the board marked 42 votes once morest, made up of the 33 members of the Unión por la Patria interbloc, and other legislators from the Federal Union such as Carlos Espínola and Edgardo Kueider, the Chubut native close to Governor “Nacho” Torres, Edith Terenzi, the Santa Cruz residents Jose Maria Carambia and Natalia Gadano, Lucila Crexell from Neuquén and one of the political bombs of the day, the president of radicalism Martín Lousteau, the only member of the bloc to differentiate himself by refusal.

However, there were four abstentions that drew attention, in particular the radical Buenos Aires citizen Maximiliano Abad and the Schiarettista from Córdoba Alejandra Vigo. Carlos Arce and Sonia Rojas Decut, both from Misiones, also took the same path.

“We are doing things well and that hurts the opposition, the reality is that they do not want us to govern, the change hurts them a lot,” said the head of the La Libertad Avanza bloc Ezequiel Atauche, who had a loss in his party due to the absence of Bartolomé Abdala, provisional president of the body.

When the treatment of the DNU began in the facility, Atauche, from Jujuy, was in charge of making a motion of order to request the postponement of the debate for three weeks, given the disagreements with the national government over the call and the request for more time. to negotiate the continuity of the decree with the governors and related sectors. However, the rejection of 41 senators already largely anticipated the final number, which practically coincided with the first test.

The hours before and the start of the day in the Senate were filled with conversations and gestures from different sectors, who bet heavily for and once morest the DNU. Among them was the governor of Neuquén Rolando Figueroa, who met with Minister Guillermo Francos and the Chief of Staff Nicolás Posse, simultaneously with the development of the session. The radical Alfredo Cornejo had also passed through the Casa Rosada, who guaranteed his support through Rodolfo Suárez, his predecessor and now senator for Mendoza.

The session was crossed by several discussions regarding respect for the regulations, which in turn was combined with the inexperience of the LLA senators who were “reprimanded” especially by UxP regarding the uses and customs of the upper house. Just as he did from his first appearance at the head of the session in which authorities were elected, Villarruel seemed at all times to be very in tune with the regulations of the Chamber.

“The president has to respect the Constitution, he has to respect the division of powers. We are not his employees, we are elected by the people,” said José Mayans, head of the Unión por la Patria interblock, in his closing speech. , the largest in the Senate that managed to twist the arm of the ruling party. Mayans had several direct and indirect clashes with his countryman Francisco Paoltroni, who interrupted numerous times other senators who were making his speeches.

The position of radicalism, meanwhile, anticipated a deepening of the internal conflicts since Lousteau maintained his conviction of rejecting the decree despite the fact that the bloc had defined the opposite.

“I am going to vote once morest the DNU for a very simple reason: the DNU is unconstitutional and that is the only thing we have to evaluate, so says the entire spectrum of constitutionalists in Argentina,” said Lousteau.

For his part, the radical Eduardo Vischi, head of the UCR bloc, said: “We are willing to work for a change, we have the predisposition to collaborate. This is not the time to postpone this DNU, it is a very bad message for the entire country. “We need to unite Argentines.”

For the treatment of any text in the chamber, a commission opinion is needed, but given the expiration of the period established by the law for discussion within 10 business days in the Bicameral Commission for Legislative Procedure, the decree might already be dealt with directly in the enclosure and also without the corresponding two thirds that are necessary to deal with an ordinary project on boards.

The next step will now be the discussion in Deputies, where at the same time in the next few hours the new version of the Base Law will be presented, which according to the draft already delivered to the different spaces and the governors, has a new retirement formula and the return of the Income Tax.

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