SF: We cannot leave medical coverage in outlying areas to foreign groups

This is a discussion post. The post is an expression of the writer’s own position.

People who live in rural areas and smaller towns must have a proper medical service.

It is a shared responsibility to ensure medical coverage throughout the country, but it cannot be left to foreign healthcare companies.

This is clearly shown by DR’s revelations regarding Alles Lægehus.

A medical practice is a secure business, and no GP needs to go to bed hungry.

Nevertheless, in recent years it has been difficult to recruit enough doctors for medical practice in the outlying areas, and precisely the lack of doctors is the real reason why fertile ground has been created for constructions where groups take over medical clinics.

It has not been to the benefit of the patients.

Stuck the proboscis in the boxes

DR Kontant has now brought one of the constructions to light, and neither morality nor professionalism can withstand being pressure tested in the DR Kontant broadcast regarding straw man clinics.

It is shameful that the Alles Lægehus group has poked its proboscis into the public health funds to such an extent and is charging for examinations and treatments that the patients have not received at all. And probably would also like to be free of.

But even more worrying is that a flat rate for patients with chronic diseases has resulted in a call to see them less.

DR Kontant reveals how Alles Lægehus is managed and controlled by a healthcare group which is obviously more focused on money than on health.

It is perhaps not so strange, because while it is the individual doctor who is himself the target of professionalism in his own clinic, the groups are only focused on making money.

We have seen the manuals before

Alles Lægehus has been acquired from a former group owner, who may have already skimmed the cream – so now Alles Lægehus must twist the concept to get the desired profit.

They then do this by letting nurses take over medical tasks – and thus also by cheating with charges for services that have not been carried out.

We have seen the manuals before – in the dental field, where groups also prepared instructions to carry out a certain number of treatments – e.g. fillings, periodontal treatments, etc. where the patients themselves do not have a chance to check whether the treatment is necessary or correct.

It contains everything that causes us to lose the trust that is so important for a well-functioning healthcare system.

The regions are now calling for better possibilities for control.

We propose that we do away with groups that are only interested in making money and are in no way responsible for the professional quality.

The regions’ access to patients’ medical records will not in itself give a true picture of whether a treatment has been given or not. And such a control body will also not be able to reveal the groups’ instructions to take payment for additional services – or stop controlling the treatment of chronic patients.

Alles Lægehus shows with all desirable clarity that money is more important than patients’ health.

Therefore, we will also have to talk regarding the right-wing’s eternal claim that the private sector is more efficient and that competition increases quality.

2024-03-14 07:05:21
#leave #medical #coverage #outlying #areas #foreign #groups



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