no break for the Bordeaux Boxers against Marseille

2024-03-13 22:17:51

VThis is what we call the cake without the icing. Surprised during the second match at Mériadeck by the Spartans, the Boxers left for Marseille with the firm intention of recovering, at least, the ice advantage. But their victory in the third round at POMGE had whetted appetites: why not fold, practically, the series with a new success?

On the same subject

VThis is what we call the cake without the icing. Surprised during the second match at Mériadeck by the Spartans, the Boxers left for Marseille with the firm intention of recovering, at least, the ice advantage. But their victory in the third round at POMGE had whetted appetites: why not fold, practically, the series with a new success?

But to hope to triumph once more in Provence, we will have to wait for the sixth match, scheduled for Monday, since the Phocaeans have reset the counters, equalizing at 2-2. “That was already the score during the regular season,” recalls captain Maxime Legault. We expected such a complicated series, with ups and downs. »

The fact remains that this defeat may arouse a certain number of regrets among the Bordeaux residents, welcomed in a hostile atmosphere in Marseille. That’s also the play-offs… Meeting the same team so many times in such a short time inevitably exacerbates tensions: 24 hours spent ruminating on the tensions and the multiple scuffles of the day before finally leading to a real fight between Axel Prissaint and his Marseille counterpart, Roberts Kalkis who took off the gloves, from the fifth minute of play, to exchange a few pleasantries with fists.

And unfortunately we had to see the bringing down of the Bordeaux defender, under the dubious cries of a very marked Vélodrome audience (“Kill them! Kill them!”) as an unfortunate omen of the evening to come, of the real fight, legit this one, on the ice.

A good start, but…

The Boxers had, however, gotten off to the best start, taking advantage of Marseille’s indiscipline to score the score through the Finnish Samuel Salonen (1-0, 15e minute). But when you can’t make the break, despite several interesting situations (29 saves for Marek Ciliak!), you inevitably expose yourself…

And what was supposed to happen happened: a massive mix-up led to Colin Morillon’s equalizer (1-1, 31ste minute), before the punishment of the last five minutes, two Marseille goals to punish the lack of realism of the Boxers (1-3, final score).

“We had chances that we weren’t able to make good on,” admits Maxime Legault. It’s up to us to find solutions to be more efficient. There was a lot of intensity from the start but efficiency made the difference. » To the delight of the 4,000 Marseille supporters who greeted the Bordelais with loud chants of “They come, they lose and they go!” » Yes, but the Boxers still won one. And that was the main thing…

Marseille 3 – Bordeaux 1

Lieu Marseille (POMGE) Spectators 4 068 Referees MM. Furet it Dehaen Third party TIME 0-1, 1-0, 2-0 Penalties 3+2+0 = 5 for Marseille; 3+0+2 = 5 for Bordeaux
MARSEILLE Morillon (31’36), Dufek (ass. Machac and Stolyarov, 55’38), Kadlec (ass. Aslin and Ruel, 57’54)
The Guardian Ciliak (60 minutes, 29 saves)
BORDEAUX Salonen (assis. Legault and Jevpalovs, 15’23)
The Guardian Papillon (59 minutes, 21 saves)

#break #Bordeaux #Boxers #Marseille



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