The president of the AVT charges against Sánchez for “denying” the victims with “unfair, unworthy and humiliating” treatment | Spain

The president of the Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT), Maite Araluce, accused this Monday the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, of “denying” the victims of terrorism on the sidelines of the anniversary of 11M. “It is not only that they do not accompany the victims today, but rather they deny us throughout the year. It is unfair, unworthy and humiliating,” Araluce charged. She did so in Madrid during the annual tribute on the occasion of European Victims’ Day organized by the association that she leads, the largest association for victims of terrorism and made up mainly of ETA victims. “I take this opportunity to highlight the absence of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska (…), They have counter-scheduled our events to take photos with European leaders. Photos, minutes of silence and promises that will never be fulfilled,” said Araluce in reference to the event promoted by the European Commission in Madrid and which took place practically at the same time in the Gallery of the Royal Collections, and which was attended by Reyes and Sánchez, as well as other national and European authorities.

Araluce has offered a harsh speech focused on ETA and the Executive’s relationship with EH Bildu, with an intervention full of reproaches once morest La Moncloa and the “benefits” to ETA prisoners. “The end of the dispersal policy was on the agenda from the beginning. Prisoners have benefited terrorists who have not collaborated with justice, who have not regretted anything, who continue not to collaborate with justice to clarify the cases still pending to be resolved, such as the case of 11-M,” he added, placing itself in line with the 11-M conspiracy theory, although not expressly.

“The story that is getting through is that there were two sides, with victims on both, and that we are all equal. We, the true victims, are deprived of our right to raise our voices, and now they say that Bildu is the voice that illuminates Spain, that protects the working class. However, [se dice que] The victims are vengeful and politicized,” the president of the AVT insisted. “We have not come to listen to that!” A woman in the audience shouted when Araluce focused her speech on the relations between the Government and EH Bildu.

Next, the former president of the AVT Ángeles Pedraza, whose daughter died on one of the trains on March 11, referred to the consideration of the crime of terrorism included in the future amnesty law for those accused of the process, and has stated that the Government is going to “allow terrorists to take to the streets for a handful of votes.” “Now they want to redefine terrorism to continue buying the chair in La Moncloa. “Everything is a consequence of the fact that we have an Interior Minister who has sold out to power.” Araluce made no mention of jihadist terrorism, responsible for the 11-M attacks. Pedraza has recalled and criticized that only three people responsible for the attacks remain in prison (the rest have completed their sentences).

“In recent weeks my indignation has skyrocketed. They don’t care at all regarding the victims, it is the security forces and bodies that put an end to ETA,” Pedraza stressed, and he joined the criticism for the absence of Grande-Marlaska at the event, who stated that ” “It is in his position that they say this to his face.” “He is the worst Interior Minister in the history of Spain. His ego prevents him from seeing further. He doesn’t care regarding everything, he acts like an uncontrolled egomaniac who can only be recognized as infuriating all Spaniards. “Does that chair compensate you that much?” Pedraza asked himself. Grande-Marlaska was also present at the event organized by the Commission.

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Alberto Nuñez Feijóo, Isabel Ayuso and José Luis Martínez-Almeida, at the event.JUAN BARBOSA

The president of the Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso; The mayor of the capital, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, and the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, listened to the interventions in the front row. After the words of the president and former president of the AVT, white balloons were released and the popular leaders made a floral offering alongside Araluce and Pedraza in memory of the victims.

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