Nutritional Yeast: High Protein Vegan Superfood for Weight Management

2024-03-13 12:19:22

Low in calories and appetite suppressant, a portion of this food provides as much protein as 100 g of lentils or a large egg.

Every day, our body needs a sufficient quantity of proteins to function well because they are involved in many processes such as immunitythe transport of oxygen in the body or even the digestion. They also help to keep a stable weight because they have an appetite suppressant effect and promote satiety, which limits cravings and desires to snack. The highest protein foods are those of animal origin such as meat, eggs, fish, yogurts or cheeses (among the richest: mozzarella, parmesan, cottage cheese, etc.). But how meet your daily intake in protein when you are vegan or simply want to reduce your consumption of animal proteins?

As much protein as in an egg

Questioned by the American media USA Today in March 2024, dietitian Miranda Galati recommends consuming this little-known superfood, which has “an impressive nutritional profile thanks to its high protein content (a 10g serving contains 8g of protein and 3g of fiber), or two to three teaspoons or a quarter of a small cup“, she explains. For comparison, a portion of this food provides as much protein as 100g of lentils or a large egg and covers 20% of daily protein intake of a 55 kg woman. This is nutritional yeast (also found in supermarkets or organic stores under the name “malted yeast” or “diet yeast”) which is generally sold in the form of powder, glitter or flakes that the where sprinkle on soups, quiches, gratins, pastas, fried vegetables, salads, risottos or to thicken sauces. Gluten-free, lactose-free and low-calorie (35 cal. per serving), “sa saveur looks like cheesewhich is why many vegans use it in recipes that call for cheese“, continues the expert. Also, “micronutrient profile may differ from brand to brand : prefer enriched nutritional yeast in vitamin B12, a nutrient whose daily intake is difficult to obtain without animal products“.

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The dietician indicates that nutritional yeast can be irritating for people with Crohn’s disease or other types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and does not recommend consuming it without the advice of a doctor. Finally, she recommends to people prone to gas and bloating not to consume too much nutritional yeast at once, but rather to gradually incorporate it into their diet. Please note, nutritional yeast has nothing to do with chemical yeast or baker’s yeast and cannot be used in baking to rise cake batters.

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