A capillotracted bill…

2024-03-13 09:11:26

A capillotracted bill…

The need to exist in this playground that the National Assembly has become leads to all sorts of excesses. Just like the need to exploit one’s presence in the National Assembly for cronyism.

Poor democracy!

A group of deputies from various factions tabled a “Proposal for a law aimed at recognizing and penalizing hair discrimination”.

Here, for posterity, are the authors:

Mr. Olivier Serva, Member of Parliament for Guadeloupe (Regions and Peoples in Solidarity – Freedoms, Independents, Overseas and Territories (LIOT))

« Olivier SERVA, Bertrand PANCHER, Christophe NAEGELEN, Mathilde PANOT, Stéphane LENORMAND, Nathalie BASSIRE, Estelle YOUSSOUFFA, Paul André COLOMBANI, Michel CASTELLANI, Jean Félix ACQUAVIVA, Paul MOLAC, Jean Louis BRICOUT, David TAUPIAC, Fanta BERETE, Damien ADAM, Cécile RILHAC, Christopher WEISSBERG, Sandrine JOSSO, Mansour KAMARDINE, Danièle OBONO, Rachel KEKE, Caroline FIAT, Jean Hugues RATENON, Matthias TAVEL, Mathilde HIGNET, Emeline K/BIDI, Frédéric MAILLOT, Davy RIMANE, Christian BAPTISTE, Jiovanny WILLIAM, Steve CHAILLOUX, Tematai LE GAYIC, Murielle LEPVRAUD, Hadrien CLOUET, Philippe NAILLET, Perceval GAILLARD, Jean Philippe NILOR, Sandrine ROUSSEAU, Eva SAS, Hubert JULIEN LAFERRIÈRE, Elie CALIFER, Fatiha KELOUA HACHI, Sylvie FERRER, Karine LEBON, Marcellin NADEAU, Jean Victor CASTOR, Farida AMRANI, Florian CHAUCHE, Carlos Martens BILONGO, Léo WALTER, Jean François COULOMME, David GUIRAUD”.

Yes, it’s a matter of splitting hairs…

Here is the start of the explanatory statement:

“While discrimination linked to hair style and texture are issues widely addressed in the United States and the United Kingdom, they are largely ignored in France. The various court decisions handed down recently corroborate this observation.

The most recent concerns an employee steward at Air France. Indeed, the Air France company, in its uniform manual, authorized “African braids” for women provided they were kept in a bun. However, this same manual indicated that, for men, “The hair must be styled in an extremely neat manner. Limited in volume, the hairstyles must maintain a natural and homogeneous appearance. The length is limited at the nape of the neck at the level of the upper edge of the shirt.”. On the basis of these internal regulations, one of the company’s stewards who wore braids tied in a bun, was sanctioned for refusing to comply with them, then was dismissed for unfitness and impossibility of reclassification within the company. ‘business. »

Already, as far as I am concerned, particularly in these times of rampant wokism, taking advantage of the situation in the United States of America and the United Kingdom makes my hair stand on end…

On y lit encore :

“Moreover, these findings do not only concern an ethnic community. In Great Britain, a study carried out in 2009 showed, for example, that one in three blonde women colored their hair brown in order to increase their professional chances and to “look more intelligent” in a professional environment. »

A study carried out in… 2009… And when we know the Anglo-Saxon jokes regarding blondes (no, it’s not regarding the girlfriends of Quebecers)…

These people are proposing – at the end of a long presentation which does not fail to mention the increased risks of cancer linked to the use of hair straightening products – a single article tending to be inserted into various texts of law and regulations, following the word “physical”, the words “in particular the cut, color, length or texture of their hair”.

The first text cited is not the Penal Code and its definition of discrimination – these people really have a sense of priorities… –, but article L. 131 1 of the general civil service code. This article would read as follows in the proposed revised version (we’re the greasers):

“No distinction, direct or indirect, can be made between public officials because of their political, trade union, philosophical or religious opinions, their origin, their sexual orientation or gender identity, their age, their surname, their family or pregnancy status, their state of health, their physical appearance, in particular the cut, color, length or texture of their hair, their disability, whether they belong or do not belong, true or supposed, to an ethnic group or race, subject to the provisions of articles L. 131-5, L. 131-6 and L. 131-7.

What does it change ? Except for a hair (legislative dysentery), nothing!

Let us hope that the honorable deputies will not turn gray or lose their hair when examining this text.

#capillotracted #bill..



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