Chilean Mint Third Patent Plate: Transparency and Security in Vehicle Market

2024-03-13 06:23:14

It is in order to combat the theft and falsification of vehicles that Chilean Mint developed the call third patent plate, a tool that seeks to improve inspection and control processes by authorities and citizens. At the moment, it is available only in some communitiesand we will tell you which ones in this note.


The third patent plate represents a qualitative leap towards greater transparency and security in the vehicle market. What exactly is it and in which communities to acquire it? Keep reading.

What is the third license plate? features and operation

The third patent plate It is a system based on a QR code that adheres to vehicle windshield, allowing access to a wide range of relevant information on the legal and technical status of the car.

This mechanism of digital verification It is accessible by scanning with a smartphonefacilitating the task of verifying the authenticity of vehicle documents such as:

  • Technical review.
  • Circulation permit.
  • Gas certificate
  • Mandatory Personal Accident Insurance (SOAP).
  • Status of unpaid traffic fines.
  • Patent number
  • Model
  • Year
  • Brand

Benefits of the third license plate

From the organization that delivers the third patent platethe Chilean Mintthe document has the following benefits:

  • Transparency in the company: When buying or selling a vehicle you will be able to know if its documents are true or false (before going to the Civil Registry).
  • Georeferencing: The platform provides the municipality with georeferencing information, the record of each scan and even the geographical position.
  • Security: for citizens
  • Democratization of supervision: Now anyone can know if a car with a third license plate has its documents up to date and if they are authentic or not, by scanning the sticker with their cell phone.
  • Online and in real time: The platform securely stores the information, in real time, recording the date, time and the exact document that was scanned.
  • Follow-up: Institutions will be able to track and even digitally delete a document.

Third license plate: in which communities you can request it

For now, the third patent plate has been adopted by several municipalities in the countryproviding access to this tool to millions of people.

These are the communes or municipalities who are implementing the service:

  • Hill
  • Cauquenes
  • Cartagena
  • Caldera
  • Diego de Almagro
  • Central Station
  • LlayLlay
  • Independence
  • Good River
  • Lota
  • Quinta de Tilcoco
  • San Fernando
  • San José de Maipo
  • sacred Family
  • Santa Maria
  • Yellow Earth

With the possibility of accessing the online and real-time vehicle informationit is expected that this technology will contribute significantly to transparency in the purchase and sale of vehicles and to the control of the validity of the documents required for their circulation.

What does the third license plate cost?

Protecting your vehicle with third patent plate It is a free service delivered by the Exchange house.

You can request it at the time of purchasing your Circulation Permit.

What is the third patent plate like and what features does it include?

As explained from Chilean Mintthe document is a sticker that sticks to the windshield of your vehicle and contains the following elements:

  • Numismatic background
  • Printing of the municipality logo with relief
  • Fluorescent security printing
  • Fingerprint, or QR, impossible to fake
  • Pre-chopping detachment die

If you need more information regarding the third license plate, enter this link to resolve your doubts.

#communes #request #license #plate



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