2024-03-13 06:07:01
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13 March 2024 1:07 p.m.Share news
A restaurant in China’s Hebei Province exploded into a huge fireball. As a result, nearby buildings and cars were damaged, causing one death and 22 injuries.
A clip from a car’s dashcam captured the moment a restaurant in Hebei Province exploded on social media. Until a large fireball was seen pouring out. Even if it’s far away The force of the explosion affected the shophouse where the fried chicken shop was located. nearby roads Including cars parked in the area, there was extensive damage. It was reported that at least one person died and 22 others were injured, with the injured being transported to the hospital.
The explosion occurred at around 8:00 a.m. local time in Shanhe District, regarding 80 kilometers from the Chinese capital Beijing, and officials deployed 36 fire trucks and 154 firefighters to put out the fire. cause in a short time Initially, it was assumed that it was caused by a gas leak that caused an explosion. The exact cause will be investigated further.
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