Therapeutic Information Sheet: andropause – Alternative Santé

Therapeutic Information Sheet: andropause – Alternative Santé

2024-03-06 23:00:00

Home > Treatments > Therapeutic Information Sheet: andropause written on March 7, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. Andropause is linked to the drop in active testosterone. Article published in newspaper nº 121

It is customary to say that men can give birth at any age. This is partly true for men who will not experience andropause. Otherwise called “age-related androgen deficiency”, it is characterized by a drop in testosterone levels. Far from being systematic, it can be asymptomatic, which perhaps explains its low statistics. However, for the 40% of seniors over 70 affected by andropause, natural treatments and diet play the leading roles.

Andropause remains relatively unknown. If it is indeed the equivalent for men of menopause in women, it would affect less than 10% of the male population from the age of sixty, according to the few scientific studies available. Such low statistics can be explained by the fact that the symptoms affecting men are often unacknowledged or underestimated. In reality, andropause affects nearly 20% of men following the age of 60 and more than 40% following the age of 70.

It must be said that it has often been believed that the persistence of sperm genesis implies that there is no equivalent of menopause in men. Yet, there is indeed a hormonal insufficiency characteristic of andropause.

Male menopause

Andropause combines lack of energy, reduced sexual desire and weak sperm. As in women, there may be hot flashes, night sweats, episodes of insomnia, nervousness and weight gain.

Andropause is linked to the drop in active testosterone. However, this hormone has numerous actions, including the maintenance of muscle mass and the prevention of osteoporosis. Another consequence of its deficiency is a reduction in resistance to fatigue. Moreover, as active testosterone is a psychostimulant, its deficiency leads to a decrease in motivation. So all of this looks very similar to…

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