The Disastrous Launch and Low Sales of Payday 3 Lead to CEO’s Removal: What Went Wrong?

The Troubled Launch of Payday 3: Implications and Future Trends

Payday 3, the highly anticipated sequel to the popular heist-themed game series, was released in September 2023 with high hopes and expectations. However, the launch turned out to be a disaster, leading to poor review scores, a negative Steam rating, and fans abandoning the game to continue playing Payday 2 instead.

The initial problems with Payday 3 were numerous and severe. Broken servers and bad matchmaking plagued the game on day one. Additionally, PS5 players were stuck playing an older build of the game. Even after stability was achieved, more issues persisted. The game lacked a solo option, quickplay matchmaking, and the ability to vote to kick players.

The developers acknowledged the gravity of these issues and announced plans to address them. In February 2024, they promised to focus on adding the demanded features and content, as well as improving the game’s progression and user interface. However, despite the efforts to remedy the situation, Payday 3 failed to meet sales expectations, with fewer than 400 players online on most days according to SteamDB.

A Change in Leadership

Starbreeze CEO

In response to the poor launch and subsequent sales performance of Payday 3, Starbreeze, the developer of the game, made a significant decision. Starbreeze CEO Tobias Sjögren was removed from his position, and the company’s board of directors appointed Juergen Goeldner, a board member and former CEO of Focus Home Interactive, as the interim CEO.

According to Torgny Hellström, Starbreeze’s Chairman, the decision to change leadership was driven by the board’s belief that the execution of strategy required a different approach. Juergen Goeldner, with his over 40 years of industry experience, was seen as a strong interim solution.

Former CEO Tobias Sjögren will assist in ensuring a smooth transition during this leadership change. This move reflects Starbreeze’s commitment to reevaluate its strategy and ensure the long-term success of the company.

Implications and Future Trends

The troubled launch of Payday 3 and its subsequent fallout highlight several key trends and implications for the gaming industry.

  • Increasing Importance of Successful Game Launches: The failure of Payday 3 illustrates that a game’s launch has a significant impact on its overall success. Players now have higher expectations for polished and fully functional experiences from day one.
  • Emphasis on Player Feedback and Inclusive Design: The issues faced by Payday 3 demonstrate the importance of incorporating player feedback and ensuring inclusivity in game design. Developers need to prioritize addressing player concerns and implementing features that enhance the overall gaming experience.
  • The Role of Leadership in Game Development: Starbreeze’s decision to change CEOs emphasizes the critical role leadership plays in the success of a game and a company. The industry needs visionary leaders who can navigate challenges and make strategic decisions to propel their organizations forward.
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Looking ahead, several potential future trends can be derived from the Payday 3 experience and its aftermath.

1. Enhanced Focus on Quality Assurance and Testing:

The disastrous launch of Payday 3 highlights the growing importance of investing in comprehensive quality assurance and testing processes. Developers and publishers must prioritize rigorous testing to identify and resolve issues before a game’s release. This will ensure a smoother launch and improved player satisfaction.

Quality Assurance

2. Shift towards Live Service and Continuous Improvement:

Payday 3’s post-launch struggles underline the significance of ongoing support and continuous improvement for modern games. Developers should adopt a live service model, regularly releasing updates, patches, and new content to keep players engaged and address any issues or concerns promptly.

3. Collaboration and Partnerships for Long-Term Success:

The appointment of Juergen Goeldner as interim CEO of Starbreeze signifies the potential benefits of collaboration and partnerships within the gaming industry. Companies can leverage the expertise and experience of external leaders to overcome challenges, accelerate growth, and achieve long-term success.



The troubled launch of Payday 3 serves as a cautionary tale for the gaming industry, highlighting the importance of a successful launch and the need for constant adaptation and improvement. By focusing on quality assurance, embracing live service models, and fostering collaborative partnerships, the industry can navigate challenges and create compelling gaming experiences that resonate with players.

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