Germany plans to recover compulsory military service

He German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius He stressed the need to analyze and discuss possible models for the reintroduction of compulsory military service, for whose decision, however, he did not set a date.

In an appearance before the press, he said he had not yet made a preliminary decision, when asked regarding an article in the weekly The mirror, according to which the minister aspires to a conclusion on the matter by 2025.

He specified that the models are currently being reviewed, and that he will also deal with this matter during the trip that begins in Sweden, Norway and Finland, at the same time that he acknowledged feeling “a certain weakness” for the Swedish model.

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“Then I will form an opinion, I will consult with some political colleagues what is the right path, what is the correct modeland if it will be 2025 or a later year, we will see,” he added.

He pointed out that in any case, nothing has been decided yet because, as is known, he said, for that he needs majorities. He also indicated that it is necessary to see if what is being discussed is only one compulsory military service or also a mandatory service.

“They are everything discussions that we are just beginning to propose, but that we must maintain, of this I am convinced,” he said.

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He Spiegel had reported that according to an internal document to which he had access, “the minister intends to make a decision on the compulsory military service before the end of this term”.

Thus, according to the weekly, Pistorius has instructed his ministry to present by April 1 “options for a military service model that, in line with the threat, is scalable in the short term and contributes to the resilience of the nation as a whole.”



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