March 12, 1999: Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary become the first states from the former Eastern Bloc to be admitted to NATO

2024-03-11 23:51:47

1799: France declares war on Austria: beginning of the Second Coalition War.
1829: With a decree from Prefect Louis-Marie de Belleyme, the world’s first uniformed police force is founded in Paris.
1849: The Kingdom of Sardinia declares the Vigevano Armistice agreed with Austria in August 1848 to be null and void.
1849: After the violent dissolution of the Austrian Reichstag in Kremsier, the Greater Germans in the German National Assembly in Frankfurt’s Paulskirche, under the leadership of Karl Theodor Welcker, surprisingly support the proposal to offer the hereditary German imperial title to the Prussian king.
1929: “Melodie der Welt”, the first full-length German sound film, premieres in Berlin.
1939: Pope Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli) is ceremoniously crowned in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
1954: The opera “Moses and Aron”, an unfinished work from Arnold Schönberg’s estate, is premiered in Hamburg.
1979: On the Caribbean island of Grenada, lawyer Maurice Bishop comes to power in a bloodless coup.
1984: In Great Britain, miners are going on strike because of planned mine closures.
1989: State elections in Carinthia, Salzburg and Tyrol: In Salzburg, state governor Wilfried Haslauer resigns due to the loss of the ÖVP absolute. In Carinthia, the SPÖ loses its absolute majority, the ÖVP is overtaken by the FPÖ, and in Tyrol the ÖVP loses its two-thirds majority.
1994: The first 32 women priests of the Anglican Church of England are ordained in Bristol.
1999: Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary are the first states from the former Eastern Bloc to be admitted to NATO.
2019: The Vienna Higher Regional Court overturns the verdict against the Green MP Sigrid Maurer for defamation. In May 2018, the politician posted obscene messages directed at her on Facebook and Twitter, accusing the owner of a beer store of writing them, who then sued her. In October 2018, Maurer was sentenced to 150 daily rates of 20 euros each, i.e. 3,000 euros, for defamation, which she would have had to pay to the state. A further 4,000 euros for the “injury suffered” should go to the plaintiff. The first instance procedure is repeated. On February 17, 2021, the local operator withdrew his lawsuit and Maurer was legally acquitted.

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Birthdays: Edmund Eysler, Austrian Operetta composer (1874-1949); Bodo Uhse, German writer (1904-1963); Adolf Frohner, Eastern Painter, sculptor and graphic artist (1934-2007); Peter Doherty, British singer/musician (1979).
Days of death: Marianne Weber, German writer (1870-1954); André Salmon, French writer (1881-1969); Heinz Oskar Wuttig, German writer (1907-1984); Yehudi Menuhin, British/US violinist and conductor (1916-1999); Sandra Paretti, German writer (1935-1994); Hermann Mucke, Eastern Astronomer, long-time director of the Vienna Planetarium and the Urania Observatory (1935-2019); Gabriela Moser, Eastern Politician and “corruption hunter” (1954-2019).
Name days: Beatrix, Almut, Engelhard, Maximilian, Gregor, Fina, Walter, Innocent, Serafin, Simeon.

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