Patrino Carnival: These are the awards of the 4th Internet Momos – 2024-03-11 22:46:54

The 4th Internet Momos awards have been announced.

The top ten are as follows:

1st Prize for Satirical 10 minutes
Theater group “Y-GREC Brussels” (1992)
Excerpt from the work “Miss Margarita” by Roberto Atayde

2nd Prize for Satirical 10 minutes
Hellenic Theater of Belgium (ETHB) (1992)
“Romeo and Juliet” from “The Whole Shakespeare in an Hour” by Borgeson, Long and Singer

3rd 10-minute Satirical Award
Corfu Theater Stage (1970)
Excerpt from the project ‘TOC x 2’ based on ‘TOC TOC’ by Laurent Baffie

4th 10-minute Satirical Award
Macedonian Artistic Society “Techni” Kilkis (1980)/Theatrical Stage
Excerpts from The Idiots by Neil Simon

5th 10-minute Satirical Award
Theatrical group of the Kardamylon Philanthropic Group (2009)
Excerpt from the play “Dads with rum” by M. Reppa-A. Papathanasiou

6th 10-minute Satirical Award
Amateur theatrical form of Kissamos “4-hour rehearsal” (2009) under the auspices of the Kissamos Philological Association “Kissamikos” Excerpt from the play “Dads with rum” by M. Reppa-A. Papathanasiou

7th 10-minute Satirical Award
“AlMA” Brussels Theater Group (2017) The action “Pyramus and Thisbe” from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare

8th 10-minute Satirical Award
Kalymnos Theater Group (1980)
Excerpt from the work “Little Pharisees” by Dimitris Psathas

9th 10-minute Satirical Award
Theater Group “Case 19”, Union of Police Officers of Arta (2019)
Excerpt from Absurd Person Singular’s work “It Happened and Time” by Alan

10th 10-Minute Satirical Award
Theatrical Group of the Cultural Association “The Lighthouse” (1979/1985) of New Moudani Halkidiki.
The episode “Revelations” from the play “Lie to Lie” by Anthony Nilsson

Jury Awards

“Attention projects – self-managed Panteion University Theater Group”
(2009) for the event> (collective authorship)
Miltiadis Papanagnou from the Theater Workshop “Kyklos” Amarynthos (1999)
for the children’s satire “The Unfortunate Goblins”
Yannis Ambazis from the “Hellenic Theater of Belgium” (ETHB) (1992) for the action
“Romeo and Juliet” from Borgeson’s “The Whole of Shakespeare in an Hour”,
Long and Singer
Asimina Vlastou from the Theatrical Group of the Cultural Association “O Pharos” of Neo Moudani Halkidiki (1979/1985) for the excerpt from the play “Lie to lie” by Anthony Nilsson
Vassilis Skyllas from the Kalymnos Theater Group (1980) for the role of Andreas Delis in the excerpt from the play “Little Pharisees” by Dimitris Psathas
Anastasis Zacharias, from the “Y-GREC Brussels Theater Group” (1992) for the role of Miss Margarita in the excerpt from the play “Miss Margarita” by Roberto Ataide
Giorgos Makrodimitris from the Theater Group “AlMA” Brussels (2017) for the role of the Moon in the excerpt “Pyramus and Thisbe” from the play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare.
Koula Kountourouda from the “Theatrical group of the Kardamylon Philanthropist Group” (2009) for the role of Vassos in the excerpt from the play “Dads with rum” by M. Reppa-A. Papathanasiou
To the actress from the Macedonian Art Society “Tekhni” Kilkis (1980) who played the role of Lenia in the excerpt from the play “Idiots” by Neil Simon
Kyprianos Moutevelis from the Theater Group “AlMA” Brussels (2017) for the excerpt “Pyramus and Thisbe” from the play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare
Christos Pappas from the Theater Group “Hypothesis 19”, Union of Police Officers of Arta (2019) for the excerpt from the play “It Happened and Time” by Absurd Person, Singular by Alan Ayckbourn
Homer Kontos from the Macedonian Artistic Society “Tekhni” Kilkis (1980) for the way of tying the passages from the play “The Idiots” by Neil Simon

Jury Commendations

Christos Malakos from the Theater Group of Mytilene “Homeless” (1985) for the role of Thomas in the action “The Monologue of Thomas” from the play “The Card Player” by M. Kourmouzis
FEMALE ROLE (shared)
To the actress from the Kissamos Amateur Theatrical Show “4-Hour Rehearsal” (2009) under the auspices of the Kissamos Literary Association “Kissamikos” who played the role of Vesca in the excerpt from the play “Dads with Rum” by M. Reppa-A. Papathanasiou
Stella Strataki from the “AlMA” Brussels Theater Group (2017) for the role of the Narrator in the excerpt “Pyramus and Thisbe” from the play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare
To the actress from the “Hellenic Theater of Belgium” (ETHB) (1992)
who played the Narrator in the action “Romeo and Juliet” from the play “The Whole of Shakespeare in an Hour” by Borgeson, Long and Singer
To the actress from the “Corkyraiki Theater Stage” (1970) who played the role of the Goddess in the excerpt from the play “TOC x 2” based on Laurent Baffie’s play “TOC-TOC”

The Organizing Committee of the Festival wishes – soon – those groups who have not met a Live Momo up close, to come to Patras and become members of the great company we make every year. As stated in a statement: “I hope that in time we will also find ways, with the help of the Society of Greek Playwrights, Composers and Translators, to promote the festival on an international level, always relying on the possibilities that the internet provides us. The first steps have already been taken, this year for example we had four nominations from Brussels and it continues.

For another year, the passion of the amateurs is obvious in the events that were submitted and it is not measured or weighed. Observing all the video-nominations, you recognize faces and roles that give you the impression of an old acquaintance.

“I know him, him!” we’ve heard it whispered many times and it’s true. The common effort is what is required, the saving of time that does not exist, and the willingness to speak another language to contribute to the understanding of those around us.

Thanks once more brothers for trusting us with your work.

Finally, we feel (and express) gratitude for the excellent members of the Committees (Selection and Critique) as well as for the co-organizers of the Festival, KEDIP Carnival of Patras, Region of Western Greece, and of course the Society of Greek Playwrights, under whose auspices we proceed.

Finally, we thank the representatives of the press, print and electronic, who have supported us for so many years”.

#Patrino #Carnival #awards #4th #Internet #Momos



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