In relation to the vote of the Regional Coastal Edge Use Commission tomorrow, in the Aysén region, regarding the requests for two Coastal Maritime Spaces for Native Peoples (Ecmpo), for the communities of the Las Guaitecas National Reserve, under of the Lafkenche law; The Sofofa unions of the South Central Macrozone (Ñuble to Magallanes), made “a strong call to become aware and reflect on the consequences, implication and precedent of said approval, not only in the Aysén region, but in the entire South macrozone ”.
In a public statement, they assured that “this is an exclusive grant of more than 621,000 hectares that distorts the interpretation of a law that, beyond promoting and maintaining the customs of a group of 59 people, deprives the vast majority of people and workers of the Aysén region of a proposal for sustainable development of our coastal area.”
“The exclusivity of a small group of people on extensive lands contradicts the principle of sustainable and environmentally harmonious development promoted by the current coastal policy (…) The fact of granting such extensive territories to a small group of people “It has meant the development of a trend of a huge blockade of coastal space that can generate a paralysis of investment and uncertainty for any productive, industrial and artisanal activity along more than 6,000 kilometers of coast,” they indicated in the statement.
#Guilds #warn #effects #approving #protected #maritime #spaces #Discusión