This is how I will meet God

2024-03-06 15:56:15

Khabarni – Lebanese star Amal Hijazi sent a message to those she described as “those who may be concerned” to clarify her position on removing the hijab, nearly a week following her first video clip was circulated without a head covering, and Amal explicitly indicated that she would meet God without removing her honor or morals. Nor her humanity, and this is what is important.

Amal Hegazy sent the message through her official account on the It is my religion and this is what God asked of us as human beings and this is what I will meet God with and nothing else.. With my love and respect, clarification is required.. Amal Hijazi

Amal Hegazy topped search engines and social networking sites following a video of her singing a clip of her songs went viral, but without wearing the hijab.

The video has raised a lot of speculation regarding the date of filming of the video, that is, was it taken years ago, that is, before she retired and wore the hijab, or is it recent and Amal has abandoned the hijab.

Amal took off her hijab months ago, and “My Lady” was able to communicate with a source close to the star to confirm the truth of the matter. It turned out that Amal had already given up her hijab, and the matter is not new, but rather more than 6 months ago, but at that time she preferred to hide the matter from the media, and even About some of her small circle, especially since she lives in Dubai with her husband, Muhammad Bassam, and their two children, away from the usual artistic and social atmosphere.

Amal did not change her personal photo wearing the hijab on her page on the social networking site Instagram. The last personal photo she posted on her page was more than a year ago and she was still wearing the hijab.

As for the date of the video, it is recent, and it was taken of her in the past hours as she was on a short visit to Lebanon, during her visit to an eyeglass store.

Amal appeared in not just one video, but three consecutive videos, clearly showing that she never tried to avoid being photographed, but rather was fully aware that she was filming promotional videos for the store, which apparently has a strong relationship with the owner of the store.

Opinions differed between those who attacked the star’s move and those who supported her and those who considered it a private matter and no one has the right to interfere, and among commentators who considered that Amal should expect many comments regarding the matter, as when she decided to wear the hijab she shared that with her fans and fans and therefore it is natural for it to be The decision to abandon it is controversial.

Amal Hegazy announced that she was wearing the hijab in September 2017, and announced her retirement from art. Amal confirmed in a message she addressed to the public that God had answered her prayers, following years she had spent inside suffering between the art that she loved, and she said that she did not pursue it as a profession, but rather it was just a hobby, and her religion. Although she was internally close to God, and said that she experienced a struggle and asked God for guidance, Amal stressed that she does not detract from the art profession or artists, and that she feels that she is in another world in which she found her happiness.

In a statement she made at the time, Amal did not confirm the fact of her retirement, and said that she would soon have appearances in another way, and that she had retired from this type of singing, to later confirm that she would turn to purposeful, committed songs, which means that her retirement was a partial retirement from a type of art that no longer suits her. .

#meet #God



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