There is broad space for accelerating the development of new productive forces “artificial intelligence +”

2024-03-07 01:42:00

This year’s government work report proposes to vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerate the development of new productive forces. Among them, further promoting the innovative development of the digital economy ranks high. The report emphasizes “formulating policies to support the high-quality development of the digital economy, actively promoting digital industrialization and industrial digitization, and promoting the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy” and “deepening the research and development applications of big data, artificial intelligence, etc., and carrying out the ‘artificial intelligence +’ action.”

In the future, with the joint efforts of technology, policy, and industry, “artificial intelligence +” will accelerate the “blooming of a hundred flowers” and inject surging momentum into the accelerated cultivation and development of new productive forces.

Developing new productive forces is an intrinsic requirement and an important focus to promote high-quality development. At present, the digital economy has formed an important force supporting the vigorous development of new productive forces. Due to rich application scenarios and massive data resources, my country’s digital economy has achieved rapid development. According to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, the scale of my country’s digital economy will reach 50.2 trillion yuan in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 10.3%, accounting for 41.5% of GDP. It is expected that the scale of my country’s digital economy will reach 56.1 trillion yuan in 2023.

Artificial intelligence is an important engine for the development of the digital economy. In the past 2023, my country’s artificial intelligence innovations have continued to emerge, especially generative artificial intelligence (AIGC) represented by large models has flourished and accelerated its deep integration with the real economy, empowering thousands of industries, including office and medical , education, finance, manufacturing, etc. have become active areas for commercial application of artificial intelligence technology. From accelerating the research and development of new drugs and accurately forecasting weather, to shortening factory product delivery cycles and improving office efficiency; from single-point applications and general scenarios to diversified applications and industry-specific scenarios, artificial intelligence has entered a new stage of comprehensive application.

The widespread application of artificial intelligence has effectively promoted cost reduction, quality improvement and efficiency improvement in all walks of life. There are many examples that can be used as evidence. For example, the author noticed that in the agricultural field, Tieqi Lishi, a leading national agricultural industrialization enterprise, created AI intelligent customer service based on DingTalk AI PaaS to achieve efficient responses to farmers’ technical and procurement inquiries, and by calling The DingTalk API interface has created 25 business systems, improving process efficiency by 30%, per capita income and order delivery rate by 20%, and product efficiency by 15%.

For another example, in the manufacturing field, after the chip design company Aiwei Electronics launched “AI Intelligent Customer Service”, it can provide 7×24 non-intermittent intelligent answers, allowing technical experts to return to professional positions. In the consumer goods industry, shoe and clothing brand Belle International has launched an AI assistant “goods digital employee” to solve the problem of differences in sending and receiving goods during the circulation of goods. The AI ​​assistant can handle the problem instead of real people, which not only frees up manpower, but also improves business efficiency.

In the deep integration with thousands of industries, the capabilities of “artificial intelligence +” are constantly expanding. The application of artificial intelligence technology helps more and more companies realize production automation, product innovation and service intelligence, thereby continuously improving the overall competitiveness of the industry.

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Looking to the future, the digital economy still has a very broad space for development, and with the rapid iteration and maturity of large models, the application scenarios of generative artificial intelligence will become more and more in-depth. IDC, a well-known international consulting organization, predicts that with the development of AIGC, intelligent applications will experience explosive growth. In 2024, there will be more than 500 million new applications in the world, which is equivalent to the total number of applications that have appeared in the past 40 years. In addition, according to the forecast of the CCID Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, generative AI is expected to contribute nearly 90 trillion yuan in economic value to the world in 2035, of which China will exceed 30 trillion yuan.

At the same time, the development of AIGC products and ecosystem will also promote AI to become more inclusive, lower the commercialization threshold for individual creators and developers, and enable more people to actively participate in the changes in the AI ​​era. Some AI application vendors, including DingTalk, are making useful attempts. They not only promote the implementation of advanced working models such as human-machine collaboration and intelligent decision-making within enterprises, but also provide easy-to-use, powerful AI PaaS tools for the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises. and service. These systems with scenes and data are especially suitable for matching small and medium-sized models, and there is a lot of potential in the future.

The digital economy is an important support for the vigorous development of new productive forces, and artificial intelligence is the core engine of the digital economy. 2024 is undoubtedly the first year of the artificial intelligence application industry. With the continuous release of policy dividends, the industry needs to strengthen digital technology innovation and research and development, make a big splash on “artificial intelligence +”, and develop digital solutions that are more suitable for industry applications. There is reason to believe that with the emergence of innovative application scenarios and product forms of artificial intelligence, my country’s “digital-real integration” will be more profound, and the new picture of a “digital intelligence future” will gradually approach.

(The author is the dean of the School of Economics at Fudan University and the deputy dean of the Fudan Development Research Institute)

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