TOP 20 mistakes, myths and outright stupidities that managers make on their first day of work – Career on

2024-03-05 15:30:06

• About relationships, support and trust;
• About “attacks”, pride and conflict;
• About professionalism, working in tandem and creativity.
In this article, I tried to interestingly and thoughtfully select common mistakes of new managers

My name is Kostya Dubrovin, I am the founder of the company (we have created a ROP rental service). In sales for a long time – 29 years. Perhaps the reader will be interested in my article “Executive Sharing is…”, in which I describe the essence of the ROP rental service.

Share this article with someone who develops sales. He will say thank you)) And subscribe to TG channel Thoughtfully regarding saleswhere I write interestingly and thoughtfully regarding building B2B sales.

In one of our projects (a large developer), I saw the arrival of a new commercial director. On the morning of the first day, he went into the sales department, introduced himself and asked what was needed. In the sense that there is always something missing for work and he wants to know what exactly. He was given several problems, of which he chose the most difficult and important – to remove from the standard contract a clause that all customers objected to.

The next day he went into the department and put down a printed contract. He said: “Read!”, and without waiting for a reaction, he left.

The clause in the contract was not completely removed, but was significantly revised. As it turned out later, the customers were completely satisfied with the new edition.

This guy – the new commercial director – was stern both in his appearance and in the short, heavy phrases that he dropped like weights. But people reached out to him. Everyone knew they might trust him.

One more example

Around the same time, I observed the arrival of a new executive director at another of our clients:
– Good morning everyone! – he said. — I ask you to accept our goal for the current week of 15 cars. Use problem solving to find the actions needed to achieve this goal.
“To achieve this goal,” answered the sales manager, “I ask you to provide 75 leads.” and an additional manager, because the planned productivity of the one that is working now is 30 cars per month.
“Desire is a thousand possibilities, not desire is a thousand reasons.” — the new director said with enthusiasm. – Let’s look for opportunities! Have a nice day everyone and get motivated to achieve your goal! 15 cars!

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What’s wrong

1. Relationships come first, then achievements. Otherwise there will be no achievements or relationships.

2. The key function of a leader is to provide. As Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa said: “the task of a leader is not to interfere with good people working.” This means that he must provide the process with “good people” and the people with everything the process needs.

3. The doors to a person’s motivation can only be opened from within. From the outside, no matter how you knock or promise, they won’t open. The employee opens them only to those with whom he is on the same road, i.e. who he trusts. Trust is a commonality of goals.

4. A leader is a role, not a position. It is occupied not by the one who wants to lead, but by the one whose words and deeds want to be guided.

5. The leader leads from personal hell to team heaven. It helps create a synergistic effect. The team begins to unite around its ability to achieve the goal.

6. Any “attack” from the manager means that conscientious people will turn into executive ones. The difference is that the executive worries regarding himself, and the conscientious one worries regarding the task director.

7. Pride is the mother of all sins. High and low self-esteem have the same nature. This is a person’s belief that he has a monopoly on understanding the truth. In other words, he denies others the right to have their own opinions.

8. There should be healthy conflict. Including in communication with the manager. Through conflict, boundaries are clarified and people are able to lean on each other. But first the relationship, and only then the conflict.

9. Respect can be through fear or envy, or it can be through being in demand. If you use the first one, then you will no longer be in demand.

10. In feedback, the key word is “communication”. Criticism can also be the opposite, but it violates the most important thing – the connection between the manager and the subordinate.

11. A sense of belonging arises in exchange for one’s own capabilities. The more a leader inspires and supports, the more employee empowerment and ownership there is.

12. People often confuse ways to satisfy needs. For example, they eat when they are thirsty or object when they want to understand. The manager allows this in his employees and does not allow this in himself.

13. The most necessary, and at the same time the most limited resource is not time, as is commonly believed, but imagination. All other resources are available, sometimes you just don’t have enough ideas to figure out how to reach them. Waking up in the morning, a new day comes, but a new fantasy does not. It is impossible to demand creativity.

14. Employee professionalism is a course of action, not a passive affect. It is impossible to recognize a professional from a photograph, but you can see the results of his work if you have time and patience.

15. In tandem with the leader, the integrity of everyone must be maintained. In other words, there is both freedom and voluntary interdependence.

16. Where emotions are included, neither numbers, nor logic, nor experience work. The brain is a single-tasking system.

17. When a manager gives an employee the opportunity to observe the system, he begins to change it for the better. The role of the leader is to clarify, not to burden. Clarity itself creates benefit.

18. When subordinate to an immature manager, an employee always wants to protect himself. Come up with a system that will allow you to make guaranteed correct decisions. When he looks back, it seems to him that the world is logical and predictable, so he tends to perceive what is as how it should be and does not contribute to change.

19. A child tears off the wheels of a car or the legs of a doll to see how they hold up. There is no vandalism in this, this is a learning process. A leader must use other ways of understanding the world.

20. It’s better to talk regarding your own mistake in a nutshell than to write in two volumes regarding how to behave.

let’s talk

  • Write in the comments what stories you had related to the new leader.
  • Subscribe to my TG channel Thoughtfully regarding saleswhere I write interestingly and thoughtfully regarding building B2B sales, and on Wednesdays I conduct live expert sessions.
  • Or chat with our sharing ROP, which can be managed by your sales department. This can be done in the format express audit.


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