Justin Bieber was 15 years old when he revolutionized the fan phenomenon with his first single One Timea madness that only grew with Baby, a topic that came to light a year later. The star became a reference for thousands of teenagers around the world, not only with his lyrics, but with his style and his hairstyle. Imitated, adored, hated too, his life became a succession of screams every time he appeared and thousands of records and tickets for his concerts sold. His life and his relationships became a public matter although, as always happens, time changes everything. Another 15 years have passed and now Justin turns 30 in a more mature and calm stage. The adolescent madness has calmed down, although without diminishing the affection that his unconditional fans continue to have for him. They, of course, have also grown.
Selena Gomez gives a name and surname to the hardest time of her life: Justin Bieber
After having left behind those avalanches of followers who followed him and having consolidated his audience, who, like him, has left behind his boyish and childish image, Justin took the stage with a different style. He has covered his body with tattoos and his songs have a different tone, although he continues to boast of voice and rhythm. The artist was also weathering the storm caused by his love story (and surprising breakup) with Selena Gomez, a relationship that caused rivers of ink to flow and divided his fans. As in every breakup, some stayed with Selena and others went with Bieber. Even today, when seven years have passed, the topic is still being talked regarding. The most affected in this situation has been Hailey Baldwin (now Bieber), 26, with whom Justin took the step of secretly marrying in 2018 and who endures harsh attacks on social networks from those who do not forgive them for having fallen in love.
Justin Bieber confesses the doubts he had regarding his engagement to Hailey Baldwin
With Hailey he left behind the scandals of addictions, fights and lack of professionalism, to achieve a more serene life, protected by an important religious feeling. “I started using very hard drugs at 19 and being abusive in all my relationships. I became resentful, disrespectful towards women, and angry. I began to distance myself from everyone who loved me and was hiding behind the person in the that I had become” he confessed, examining his conscience.
Change of decade in the spotlight
Justin’s 30 years are marked by lights and shadows. In March 2023, Bieber canceled all of his concerts (he was in the middle of his Justice World Tour) to treat Ramsay Hunt syndrome, a virus that had left his face paralyzed. The concern was understandable since he also suffers from Lyme syndrome, which is contracted by a tick bite and can aggravate the symptoms of Ramsay Hunt. It was just the first in a string of health problems that he faced with his partner Hailey. She had to undergo heart surgery following suffering a stroke, as doctors discovered that a blood clot had reached her brain. It adds up and goes on, because the tension they went through took its toll on the artist’s mental health, who acknowledged having gone through depression in the past.
For now he has not returned to live performances, he was invited to the All Star Weekend of the National Hockey League of Canada, where he performed, although he has no major events scheduled at the moment. He is working on returning with a new album, which he has already announced and which would be the best gift since he has not released an LP since Justice in 2021. There is no date, however, as he is surely checking how his state of health evolves. . Lights clouded by the comments that have begun to emerge in relation to his personal life. “I am navigating the best stage of my life: marriage. Which is a wonderful, crazy responsibility. You learn to be patient, to trust, to compromise, to be kind, humble and all the things that make you a good man “, he said regarding his marriage.
Union that is now in the spotlight following an unfortunate message from Stephen Baldwin, who asked for prayers for his daughter and son-in-law. What has happened between them to make them need divine help? This question has multiplied in a matter of hours while those involved remain silent. The theories, of course, have not taken long to appear and almost all of them focus on a possible relationship crisis. It’s been reported that Hailey is upset with her father for posting that message, or perhaps it’s for bringing to light an issue that remained private? The unknowns remain unanswered, although some cling to the couple’s recent appearance at Super Bowl LVIII and the tender photos they shared on their profiles weeks ago to not believe that they are distancing themselves. Justin Bieber’s 30s seem like they will give a lot to talk regarding.
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