Ancient Secrets Revealed: Surprising Discoveries About the Age and Growth of Star Dunes

CNN’s recent article takes us on a journey to the Sahara Desert, where scientists have made intriguing discoveries regarding star dunes. These unique formations, characterized by their pyramid shapes, are among the tallest sand dunes on Earth. The article reveals that researchers have long been puzzled by the formation of star dunes and their absence in the geological record.

The investigation centered around Erg Chebbi in Morocco, where one particular star dune named Lala Lallia was extensively studied. By using radar scans and analyzing sand grains buried deep within the dune, scientists were able to map its internal structure and determine its age and growth patterns.

Surprisingly, the researchers found that the oldest part of the dune’s base formed around 13,000 years ago. However, for approximately 8,000 years, the dune did not experience significant growth. Most of its growth to its present size occurred over the past 1,000 years, a relatively rapid rate.

This discovery challenges previous assumptions regarding the pace at which star dunes accumulate, as they were believed to accumulate very slowly. Professor Andrew Goudie, a geography expert from the University of Oxford, expressed his interest in the findings, noting that the rapid growth suggests star d



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