Actions were directly linked to crisis management protocols 2024-03-04 15:34:50

A narrative that shows that some political parties are willing to adopt extreme scenarios that are trafficked in order to create, for the umpteenth time, an image of cover-up. The reason for the scenarios regarding the “covering” of the site of the tragic accident with an alleged political order from above” state government sources who continue as follows:

“And this despite the fact that none of the operatives involved, as well as the former governor himself, do not raise the issue of an order for the actions taken. Actions directly linked to the crisis management protocols in force and which were activated from the first moment following the severe collision of the two trains in the area of ​​Tempe with the sole aim of search, rescue and safe transport of the rescued to the hospitals.

The so-called “bazoma” that is now openly invoked by party representatives has been explained from the first moment. And it has been explained by the most competent service agent who was on the scene in order to deal with an emergency situation of such a level that shocked and continues to shock the country and all citizens. The reason for Evangelos Falaras, coordinator of the Fire Services of Thessaly and Central Greece, who was at the scene of the tragic accident from the first moment and then together with the operational chief of the Fire Department managed the crisis. He arrived at the scene at 00.03 and has already testified regarding what happened as well as regarding the alleged “bazoma” of an unspecified… cover-up.

According to the same sources, “as Evangelos Falaras states, among other things, in his testimony, parts of which have seen the light of day: “There is no specific SOPP decision by which the Region is instructed to remove a volume of surface soil and cover the site with any other material but this became necessary in order to clear the area, level any soil irregularities and form with safe materials so that the cranes can operate without risk to the pipeline and to themselves due to the large weights (same weights and transported) ».

As Mr. Falaras himself emphasizes, a natural gas pipeline passes under the point. One can imagine the problems that might arise if one of the cranes got stuck in the mud and hit some part of the pipeline. This is an additional factor that justifies the decision to throw gravel to make the ground more passable for the cranes that had that day to lift wagons that had actually derailed. No one knew if they were alive. We remind you that there were reports of voices being heard in the wreckage.

And the authorities did the right thing, they made superhuman efforts to find alive passengers. To free them at all costs and without delay since in these cases every minute counts. Simply put, it was not a matter of orders. It was a matter of protocol. It was a matter of human lives. The Buyer denies The fact that there were no orders to -allegedly- “base” the point, is also confirmed by the former regional governor Kostas Agorastos who denied on Thursday the operation that has been set up and which is based on conspiracy theories such as those that are accepted on the internet or in specific parties, unfortunately, and the Parliament.

Kostas Agorastos clarified that he never received any order in order to proceed to the site of the tragic accident and that he never mentioned the name of the then deputy minister instead of the prime minister as claimed by the mother of one of the victims, Mrs. Karystianou. “No, it is not as Ms. Karystianou says. I respect the pain of the families and for so long I did not want to make public statements. What I have to say, I have said where it should be.

But let’s clarify the following: In the written out-of-court response I gave to Ms. Karystianou, I do not mention the name of Mr. Triandopoulos anywhere,” he told, adding: “The region had a supporting role, with machinery and workshops. We acted on the basis of the Special Plan for Human Casualties from the Police, Fire Department. The Civil Protection Coordinating Body (S.O.P.P.) met, to which we had to contribute and we put ourselves on heightened alert, as was the case with all the agencies and structures involved (hospitals, etc.).

We were called to provide the maximum possible assistance-supportive, and we did so, giving machinery, digging tools, etc. without any initiative of action!” In conclusion: Once once more there is an attempt to maintain and possibly increase a justified outrage on the part of the relatives and friends of the specifically targeted victims. The construction of an unacceptable conspiracy narrative that is set up through repeated reports of strange explosions, scenarios for the transfer of illegal materials and then culminates with reports of alleged cover-ups and racketeering that took place in this context. In other words, it has all the ingredients that internet conspiracy theorists and extreme parties want in order to build it as a narrative. Except that it is now being adopted by other parties in their desperate attempt to raise an issue ahead of the European elections. But they stumble on reality and the truth as it is conveyed by those directly involved”.

To the scenarios that want him to be the person who gave the order for the bombardment at the site of the train accident in Tempi, the Deputy Minister of Climate Crisis responded, Christos Triantapoulos.

“I didn’t give orders for anything, I didn’t have such a role or authority, I didn’t participate in the coordination meetings. I am not referring to Agorasto’s out-of-court response,” Mr. Triantapoulos emphasized.

Triandopoulos’ answer to the Parliament

In particular, responding to the Plenary Session of the Parliament to a question from the ELLYSIS Member of Parliament, K. Bumba, Mr. Triandopoulos said: “These allegations have nothing to do with reality. The officials who participated in the coordination following the request of the fire department decided on the interventions to shape the area for such a major accident. The details have been answered by those who had official responsibility in the field to proceed with the investigations and identify the victims. They shaped the space as they saw fit according to the provisions and not orders. They took action to complete their work, complete the investigation and respond to the anguish of relatives.”

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