SVP Success in Grellingen: Three New Local Councilors Appointed

2024-03-03 21:45:17

Grellingen: SVP appoints three new local councilors

The SVP has achieved a coup in Grellingen: While the party has not previously had a local council, it will now have three representatives on the local council of the Laufental community. In addition, there is a renewal of blood in the Grellingen executive branch. When the new term of office begins on July 1st, more than half of the local councilors will take part in a local council meeting for the first time. Four out of seven local councilors are new to the executive branch of the Laufental municipality.

Patricia Eckert (263 votes), Fabienne Studer (236 votes), Anton Hässig (228 votes, all SVP) and Ardian Mahmuti (230 votes, SP) made it to the local council on Sunday. The three previous non-party members Rudolf Gitzi (376 votes), Peter Pflugi (363 votes) and Denise Eichelberger (352 votes) managed to be re-elected.

Mayor Alex Hein (center), Dany Hugelshofer (center/EPP), Stephan Pabst and Nadine Patterson-Oschwald (both SP) no longer stood for election. The center will lose two seats and the SP will lose one seat. The local council will now consist of three non-party members, three SVP representatives and one representative of the SP.

However, it should be said that of the four candidates on the SVP list, only Christoph Angst, who was not elected, is a party member. He ran a joint campaign with the two independent SVP sympathizers Anton Hässig and Fabienne Studer (both elected). Patricia Eckert, who was also on the SVP list and was also non-party, ran her own election campaign. (hof)

The communities at a glance:

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