“It shakes a lot”: host Jean-Luc Reichmann looks back on the attempted home-jacking of which he was the victim

Presenter Jean-Luc Reichmann suffered an attempted burglary during the night of Wednesday to Thursday February 29. The latter gave news on his Instagram account in the hours that followed.

One of the French’s favorite presenters suffered an attempted burglary at his home in Neuilly-sur-Seine in Hauts-de-Seine. Even though this attempt was unsuccessful and five men were arrested and then taken into police custody, Jean-Luc Reichmann and his relatives remain deeply shocked by this attack.

“We avoided the worst, I must admit. So it’s very psychologically shaking for my wife, for the children, for myself, because it’s very psychologically exhausting”explains the host on the microphone of RTL this Friday March 1st. The presenter of Les Douze coups de midi continues: “They came into our house, in the garden, to rob us, as is happening at the moment. For a home-jacking, the fashionable term”.

A suspicious car

It was Jean-Luc Reichmann’s son who scared away the burglars. “It happened very quickly because it failed very quickly. We have all the security systems at home. And what’s more, on the streets of the city, all the cameras were there”explains the host.

One of the neighbors also contacted the police when he saw the intrusion. He has “had the decency to call the 17th because he had seen a car parked in front of his house and which was, after all, quite suspicious. So there you have it, good citizenship still exists and that’s what makes us happy. there is a problem, do not hesitate to call 17. I will tell your RTL listeners”reacts the sixty-year-old.

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Five people in police custody

The latter also wanted to thank the police: “I think the cops did a remarkable job, I must admit that everything was carried out very smoothly. Thanks to all these surveillance cameras and everything we have at home to anticipate, it failed. And what’s more, five people are behind bars. So there you have it, congratulations to all these police forces who are doing a crazy job. But really crazy.”

Regarding the investigation, Jean-Luc Reichamnn details: “I must admit to you that they are still in police custody and that I cannot speak, but know that they are adults, they are in their twenties. There were six of us in the house. Since the children are at above and us below, at some point, there would have been a conflict. There is the dog downstairs on the ground floor. So, inevitably, there would have been unfriendly things. We avoided all that .”

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