Mitsotakis: At 2,500 euros the housing allowance – The construction of 5 new student residences is on track | Politics: News, News and Current Affairs – 2024-03-02 13:50:41

Referring to the lack of housing and high rents he said that it is a challenge and requires many actions

Next week, to be precise, next Friday, the free university that you planned since 1987 will finally be voted on”, stressed Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, speaking at the meeting of the National Conference of the DAP – NDFK. He also emphasized that in a short time they will celebrate 50 years of the ND and half a century of democracy together.

The prime minister, speaking to the members of the DAP, announced the increase of the housing allowance to 2,500 euros and also the launch of the construction of 5 new student residences.

“The route showed us which is the party of true patriotism and which is the faction that remained insubordinate with the banner of the great reforms in Education.” ND put and kept the country in Europe, the prime minister said, and turning back the time to the SYRIZA government, he said that then young graduates had the choice to either go abroad or work with a minimum of 500 euros.

The country then had its borders perforated and was on the sidelines, but six years later all this looks like a distant nightmare. Kyriakos Mitsotakis said that Greece has moved forward and has the highest growth rates and after many decades has single-digit unemployment. The middle class was relieved of many tax burdens and the minimum wage was raised 3 times already and pensioners saw better pay and civil servants saw raises after 10 years.

Taking stock of the government’s work, he said that the country regained the investment level and developed the digital state by exploiting artificial intelligence.

It is no coincidence that out of all the countries in the world, the Economist declared Greece the country of the year for 2023 and a state of full democracy in defiance of all those who insist on photographing Greece in black colors by dragging it abroad.

The prime minister described the establishment of equality in civil marriage as a brave decision and spoke of a historic turning point that has put our country on the path of the 21st century.

Since the summer of 2019, for one thing, citizens have been convinced that this government can. The prime minister said the central goal is for our country to converge in everything with the European reality.

“Mr. Kasselakis says no, but he himself studied at a non-state non-profit university”

Regarding education, he said that it has never been strengthened as it has been in recent years with the funding being doubled. Regarding the bill for non-state universities, he said that most of it, 70%, concerns public universities.

Generations of Dapitans have fought for this reform and now this government is finally coming and making it happen, he said.

It is a choice that will keep the new generation in their homeland, he noted and emphasized that the interest in the establishment of such institutions is already very strong, even though there are very strict conditions. “With the law we will pass, we will not allow an annex to be established on the floor of an apartment building,” he said characteristically.

He emphasized that this is an initiative that was delayed and referred to the need to be able to overcome the pathogens of years. We come and break the peculiar monopoly of higher education by the state and enable young people not to leave their homeland.

Mr. Kasselakis says no but he studied at a non-state non-profit university and if this university says he wants to come to Greece, what will he say? That he doesn’t want to come?

Mr. Androulakis makes an impression on me that he took back his original position, confusing even his colleagues. These are problems that concern those who are looking to find out whether SYRIZA will be red or green.

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Our job is to restore the public university where the free expression of opinion and not violence will prevail. You have kept your schools open against the violence and terrorism of a minority, he said to the students.

We will increase the housing allowance to 2,500 euros

Kyriakos Mitsotakis also said that students are not going to be held hostage by small minorities. “We guarantee this and we will finally put it into practice,” he said.

Referring to the lack of housing and high rents he said that it is a challenge and requires many actions. We will increase the housing allowance to 2,500 euros.

We have launched the construction of 5 new student residences across the country. He made reference to the “My Home” program and also to the abolition of VAT for new buildings.

From today we are on election alert – And a young person on the European ballot

Kyriakos Mitsotakis attacked the opposition saying that it is slipping into more and more vulgarities. He spoke about a resolution of shame in the European Parliament by the opposition depriving our country of money. “They turned collective mourning, which has no color, into a party tool. It is a shame that political hypocrites want to monopolize this collective sadness of the whole country. We all feel the same pain for the tragedy of Tempe, especially our young men and women.

For the European elections, he called on them to be prepared for a mud campaign. It is the first major political battle after the elections. For the other parties it may simply mean reshuffles in the party yearbook but for the homeland it is important. It will show whether the homeland will remain stable in a precarious environment and judge how strong the national voice will be in the decision-making centers of Brussels. It is necessary to strengthen the faction that he put in place and when necessary kept the country in Europe and kept the borders as European.

From today we are all on election alert with our youth at the forefront, he stressed. And he announced that he is waiting for a proposal from ONNED for the representation of the youth in the European ballot. The counter is going to zero and the June ballots will be empty but must be filled with many blue ballots validating that one is the faction.

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