The emails from the plot of the ‘Koldo case’: “I dream about masks. It’s an obsession” | Spain

The months following the outbreak of the pandemic were hectic for the alleged members of the Koldo case. Investigators have intercepted a multitude of emails that reflect the intense communications that the suspects maintained to execute contracts for the supply of medical supplies, which they had allegedly obtained thanks to the payment of irregular commissions. For them it was vital to move the business forward, since they were going to pocket great profits. And its emails This is evidenced, according to the summary. “I dream of these masks and airplanes, customs, Víctor, it’s an obsession…” writes Íñigo Rotaeche, representative of Soluciones de Gestión y Apoyo a las Empresas SL, the epicenter company of the alleged corrupt network, to the two main businessmen involved in the summary, Víctor de Aldama, president of the Zamora Football Club; and Juan Carlos Cueto, “leader” of the Grupo Cueto business conglomerate.

“These masks are fine,” comments Rotaeche, also arrested by the Civil Guard, to his interlocutors: “But we must tell them that to export we will need the Certificates of Conformity from the factory, not from trader. I spoke with the guy from Iberia, he was like a flan. Then I’ll tell you how it goes. planning and we decide which planes. I told you that until Friday it will be difficult to load something in Shenzhen (China), since it takes 72 hours to get the permit and Monday is a communist holiday.” Throughout their communications, the three show their concern to bring the project to a successful conclusion, given the problems they encounter. They even talk, at some point, regarding “squeezing” suppliers.

Judge Ismael Moreno, instructor of the National Court, calculates that these operations brought Cueto a profit of 9.6 million euros; and Aldama, 5.5 million. For his part, Koldo García, former advisor to former socialist minister José Luis Ábalos, who allegedly collected commissions to “facilitate” the awarding of contracts to supply masks to businessmen, experienced an “increase in assets” of more than 1.5 million. . According to the researchers. The former PSOE collaborator used his closest circle as front men, with the aim of hiding the bites of his relative. Among those detained are Koldo García’s brother and wife, Joseba García and Patricia Uriz.

The National Court keeps this case open for crimes of criminal organization, influence peddling, money laundering and bribery. The complaint by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office was initially directed once morest seven people, but the list of defendants has grown. The Civil Guard arrested around twenty suspects last week.

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