Preventing AIDS: Risks of Sexually Transmitted Diseases After a One-Night Stand

2024-03-01 03:36:45

Risks of sexually transmitted diseases︱The man who met his first love again and did not use a condom showed 3 symptoms after a one-night stand and was worried about contracting AIDS: Was it just too much of a coincidence?

Men and women must take adequate safety measures when engaging in intimate activities! A mainland man met his first girlfriend again during the Spring Festival and couldn’t help but have a “one-night stand” with her. As a result, his body showed three symptoms the next day, making him worried about whether he might be infected with AIDS.

Additional screenings at the same scene:

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According to domestic media reports, a man with the pseudonym “Mr. A” sought help from the Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention after the Spring Festival holiday to consult about AIDS. He said that when he returned to his hometown during the Spring Festival, he met his first love again at a class reunion. They hadn’t seen each other for many years, but they still felt like they were in love. When the conversation got heated, they couldn’t help themselves, and “something that shouldn’t have happened” happened.

Mr. A also admitted that because the incident happened suddenly, they did not use condoms. The next day, both of them regarded the matter as an accident and planned to let it go. Mr. A also returned to the city where he worked during the last day of the Spring Festival holiday to prepare for resumption of work, but an accident happened at this time. Mr. A expressed his concerns on the call for help:

I feel a little uncomfortable now for no reason, with symptoms of low-grade fever, soreness in my limbs, and throat inflammation. I have no way of confirming whether she is infected with AIDS, but did my symptoms come at too great a coincidence? Could I have been tricked? Is there any help?

It turned out that Mr. A suddenly felt unwell after a one-night stand. Thinking of the “accident” that happened with his first love the night before, he became increasingly worried and fearful, and suspected that he was infected with AIDS.

Disease control expert: Take “regret medicine” within 72 hours after high-risk sexual behavior

Regarding Mr. A’s concerns, the staff of the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggested that he should go to the nearest designated hospital for treatment as soon as possible:

According to the situation you described, there is indeed a risk of HIV infection, but fortunately the time interval between occurrences is not long. In theory, within 72 hours, there is still a chance of blocking the HIV infection through drugs (“regret medicine”).

In addition, the local Center for Disease Control and Prevention also stated that in addition to Mr. A’s case, during the two days after returning to work after the Spring Festival, the AIDS consultation phone has been ringing frequently, with the number of calls being answered 2 to 3 times more than usual. Sexual behavior problems suddenly appeared in a concentrated manner.”

Regarding this phenomenon, disease control experts remind that AIDS is a serious infectious disease with high harm and high mortality. It is currently incurable and has no vaccine to prevent it, and AIDS is spreading silently around everyone. Therefore, the most effective prevention method is to protect yourself. In particular, insisting on using condoms correctly every time can effectively prevent the sexual transmission of AIDS. In addition to sexual contact, you will not be infected with HIV through daily contact such as shaking hands, hugging, talking, sharing meals, and sharing bathrooms with an HIV-infected person; you will not be infected with HIV if you are bitten by a mosquito.

As for high-risk sexual behavior, it refers to having sexual intercourse without using a condom with an HIV-positive person or an unknown infection status. You must go to the nearest CDC or designated hospital for HIV post-exposure prevention consultation as soon as possible. After a doctor’s assessment, if it is confirmed that the sexual behavior is high-risk, post-exposure interruption will be performed:

Taking blocking drugs as early as possible within 72 hours of high-risk sexual behavior is the only way to reduce the risk of HIV infection and is also the last line of defense.

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Risks of sexually transmitted diseases︱A man who met his first love again and did not use a condom after a one-night stand showed 3 symptoms and was worried about contracting AIDS: Was it just too much of a coincidence? – Qingbao- Health- Life and Health- D240301

Risks of sexually transmitted diseases︱A man who met his first love again and did not use a condom after a one-night stand showed 3 symptoms and was worried about contracting AIDS: Was it just too much of a coincidence? – Qingbao- Health- Healthy Life

Men and women must take adequate safety measures when engaging in intimate activities! A mainland man met his first girlfriend again during the Spring Festival and couldn’t help but have a “one-night stand” with her. As a result, his body showed three symptoms the next day, making him worried about whether he might be infected with AIDS.Additional screening at the same scene: Sick Questions and Answers | Feeling a lump E9%87%8D%E9%81%87%E5%88%9D%E6%88%80%E6%B2%92%E7%94%A8%E5%AE%89%E5%85%A8%E5% A5%97%E3%80%80%E7%94%B7%E5%AD%90%E4%B8%80%E5%A4%9C%E6%83%85%E5%BE%8C%E7%8F% BE3%E7%97%87%E7%8B%80%E3%80%80%E6%86%82%E6%9F%93%E6%84%9B%E6%BB%8B%E7%97%85% EF%BC%9A%E6%98%AF%E4%B8%8D%E6%98%AF%E4%BE%86%E5%BE%97%E5%A4%AA%E5%B7%A7%E4% BA%86%EF%BC%9F


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healthy living healthy

health issues,sexuality,aids,infectious diseases

health care, health issues, current affairs, gender relations, sexual behavior, entity words, disease/pain/injury/symptoms, AIDS, health care, health issues, infectious diseases


HIV sexual behavior, disease control, time, risk, symptom center, condoms, hours, men’s first love, holiday regrets, medication, drugs, high-risk hospital, body virus, designated one-night stand, expert period, male and female behavior measures, understanding lumps, breast cancer protection


Risks of sexually transmitted diseases – Meeting first love again without using condoms – A man developed 3 symptoms after a one-night stand – Concerned about contracting AIDS – Was it too much of a coincidence?

#Risks #sexually #transmitted #diseasesThe #man #met #love #condom #showed #symptoms #onenight #stand #worried #contracting #AIDS #coincidence #Qingbao #Health #Healthy #Life

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