The Power of Aloe Vera: 5 Practical Uses for Skin Health and Healing

2024-03-01 22:18:59

Aloe vera can not only soothe sunburned skin in summer, but can also repair wounds and condition problem skin. It is a must-have all-purpose gel at home. (Health Development Notes/The Epoch Times)

Perhaps everyone’s biggest impression of aloe vera is that it soothes and moisturizes and repairs the skin following sun exposure. However, aloe vera’s powerful effects can be said to be a must-have external herb at home. This article will review the 5 practical effects of aloe vera and how to choose aloe vera products.

My grandpa is a Chinese medicine practitioner, so our family has had some daily health care habits since childhood, one of which is aloe vera. Aloe vera is rich in minerals, amino acids, vitamins A, B, C and E, phenols and polysaccharides, which makes aloe vera highly cost-effective whether taken internally or externally.

Whether taken internally or externally, aloe vera is extremely cost-effective. (Shutterstock)

5 major external uses of aloe vera

1. Eliminate acne

Aloe vera contains polysaccharides, which have an inhibitory effect on redness and swelling caused by bacteria. For me, applying aloe vera to small acne will disappear in a day, and large acne will be soothed in regarding 2-3 days.

My friend Mr. Lin, who designs space planting design “Pot Space”, said that if other plants are sick and their leaves turn yellow, he will rub the leaves with aloe vera to kill the bacteria. In addition, when cutting, Mr. Lin will first put the plants to be cut into sliced ​​aloe vera blocks and then put them into the soil for planting, because this can ensure that the plants are not attacked by pathogens.

It can be seen that the bactericidal effect of aloe vera is very effective on both humans and plants.

Aloe vera contains polysaccharides, which have an inhibitory effect on redness and swelling caused by bacteria. It is a good anti-acne product. (Health Development Notes/The Epoch Times)

2. Moisturize skin

99.5% of aloe vera is water, plus polysaccharides and vitamins C and E, which provide good nutrition and moisture to the skin. In addition, aloe vera is rich in amino acids, which helps maintain the elasticity and structure of the skin. For people who are prone to peeling, dryness and itchiness in winter, aloe vera is a good moisturizer. Especially for people with oily and acne-prone skin, moisturizing in winter is indispensable.

Taiwan has an island-type climate with high humidity. A high-humidity environment can easily increase transepidermal water loss. At this time, the skin’s barrier function is turned on, and more transepidermal water will be lost, so even oily skin will become dry and flaky. If you have dandruff, you need to use a refreshing moisturizing product. Aloe vera is a good choice. But for me with dry skin, following applying aloe vera, I also need to apply essential oil or lotion to help form a sebum film on the skin and lock in moisture.

3. Sunburn repair

Aloe vera can effectively relieve pain and inhibit inflammatory reactions. After your skin is sunburned in summer, it is best to use cold aloe vera gel to calm and relieve pain.

4. Promote wound healing

Aloe vera can promote cell regeneration and repair wounds, a study published by PubmedResearchIt is also mentioned that aloe vera has a positive effect on wound healing. If you are accidentally burned or scratched, you can use aloe vera following simply cleaning the wound and apply it directly to the wound.

5. Soothes itching of mosquito bites

Aloe vera can soothe the skin and improve inflammation and itching. Applying aloe vera following being bitten by a mosquito can reduce swelling and relieve itching.

“Aloe vera bitter juice” is an antibacterial medicine

There are more than 200 varieties of aloe vera in the world, among which the Cape aloe vera in the semi-desert region of South Africa is unique and precious. Unlike common aloe vera plants, Cape aloe vera almost always grows wild and grows very tall, even up to two stories high. South Africans discovered that the active ingredients of Cape Aloe are regarding 20 times that of ordinary aloe plants, making it of high value.

Aloe vera bitter juice does not refer to the emodin in aloe vera that can cause diarrhea if eaten. It refers to the unique brown juice that flows out following Cape aloe vera is sliced. South Africans stack the cut Cape Aloe Vera in a huge circle with the incision facing inward, specially collect the juice, and then use ancient methods to make it into a must-have health care product for home use. Aloe vera bitter juice has good soothing and repairing effects on skin discomfort caused by bacterial infections. It is especially suitable for treating acne, athlete’s foot, eczema and skin allergies.

The active ingredients of Cape Aloe are regarding 20 times that of ordinary aloe plants. (Shuttertock/The Epoch Times)

How to choose aloe vera products

Taiwanese beauty expert Niu Er once said that currently commercially available aloe vera gels add green pigments and spices to make the product look like it is extracted from aloe vera. If it is generally used to soothe or moisturize following sun exposure, there is no problem, but if it is used to repair wounds, there may be problems. For skin conditioning, it is recommended to grow your own aloe vera and pick the fresh pulp and apply it on your face when needed, or it is safer to choose aloe vera products without added pigments or spices.

It is not difficult to grow aloe vera. It is “naturally raised” and placed in a sunny place. If the leaves are not fertile, it means that the aloe vera is extremely short of water. At this time, you can put the entire potted plant into a bucket filled with half a bucket of water, regarding Just half an hour. @

In this chaotic world, if you want to be healthy, look at Health 1+1!

Editor in charge: Liu Xiaozhen

#Health #Development #NoteMy #family #grow #sacred #grass #repair #acne #burns #sunburn #Aloe #vera #Acne #removal #Skin #care



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