6 curiosities that you probably didn’t know about the journalist Carlos Alsina

It seems paradoxical that we can know so little about a person who every day it sneaks into our homes. It happens to us with hermetic journalists with their personal lives like Ana Blanco, recently retired at the age of 63, or with Carlos Alsina, about whom we have been discovering the few issues that we know about his most intimate facet from small brushstrokes that the announcer has been giving in the interviews in which He is not used to lavish himself.

But even so, although it is almost another member of our routine life that sneaks into our car, our work or wherever we are through the medium waves, there is a series of curiosities about the host of ‘Plus one’ in Onda Cero that you may not have known until the moment you found this article. From where he lives, what he likes to do in his free time or what it was like growing up in his family, we are about to reveal a little more about the journalist who speaks with the king, but who does not like us to know too much about him.

King Felipe VI and journalist Carlos Alsina, during the presentation of the Francisco Cerecedo Journalism Award. (Europa Press)

Large family

If we collect information about the life of Carlos Alsina, we must begin by mentioning that he is the middle brother of a large family of 5 children. All of them very different from each other and with very varied professions.: two businessmen, hairdressers… In fact, the announcer was in charge of talking about this family in an interview for ‘El Mundo’.

“We are five brothers and we are a year apart each. Imagine the band. Father, mother, brothers and the grandmother who lived with us. Life was very fun. In my house we were very into bunk beds and bed furniture.”he said in the aforementioned interview.

Potential imitator

It was in that “fun life” in which Alsina took his first steps in front of a microphone. But in addition to being interested in journalism from a very young age, there is a less known facet of what he was capable of doing with his voice.

“Being very small, I was already on the path. Imitation also recorded and I was pretty good at it. Above all, those of the teachers.” Who knows if the journalist could have been competition for Carlos Latre if he had developed that hobby later in his childhood.

The journalist Carlos Alsina. (Atresmedia)

A peculiar hobby

Carlos Alsina likes to do things that every neighbor’s son could also do. He likes to ride a bike, travel and learn about different cultures. or be with your family. But there is a slightly more peculiar hobby that most people do not usually do when Christmas comes. One of the ‘whims’ that is allowed each year is writing and speaking the Christmas story with which Onda Cero celebrates the holidays every year.

The Alsina refuge

Although we can consider him a fairly secretive person when it comes to talking about his private life, there are some issues that he has shown in the different interviews he has given over the years. Thus, we can know that although the communicator He lived for years in a central apartment in Madridhas lived for years in a town on the outskirts of the Spanish capital.

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As a curiosity, it should be noted that the presenter referred to this, his town, as Quinto Pino de Alcornoque in a broadcast of his popular Onda Cero program. A home in which he is in contact with his family and his roots: “As children we always had a dog. Then, when I came to the almost field, to a house with an outdoor space beyond pure housing, I had them again,” he explained in ‘Like the Dog and the Cat’.


Carlos Alsina confesses to Susanna Griso what request he has made to Kings Felipe and Letizia (and his response)

Raquel Pérez

A very special bond

It is precisely her pets with whom Alsina has developed a very special bond. As he said when talking about his home in the countryside and his childhood, the communicator He has had two dogs with whom he has been very close. The first to arrive was Yako, an Alaskan malamute who is now almost 18 years old, “he is deaf and has a hard time moving.” A year later, so that the animal would not be alone, they gave him Yeka, a Samoyed “who was like a goat” and who died in August 2020.

But as a result of the relationship between these dogs, a litter emerged that Alsina can boast of having helped in the birth of the little animals. In total, 6 puppies that the communicator somehow brought into the world. “From there it was created between us a very close relationship, I was also at his side when he died,” he said about that incredible experience.

The curious name of your company

Finally, we find it very curious and at the same time clear proof of the journalist’s sense of humor, the name with which the communicator decided to designate his company related to the media.

Congratulations on your SL Program, the phrase that listeners have probably repeated the most throughout his career. The company, whose corporate purpose is the broadcasting of radio programs, achieved profits after taxes in 2019 of 16,600 euros.

It seems paradoxical that we can know so little about a person who every day it sneaks into our homes. It happens to us with hermetic journalists with their personal lives like Ana Blanco, recently retired at the age of 63, or with Carlos Alsina, about whom we have been discovering the few issues that we know about his most intimate facet from small brushstrokes that the announcer has been giving in the interviews in which He is not used to lavish himself.

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