Title: “Christian B. Connection to Madeleine McCann Disappearance: Witness Claims Employment at Holiday Resort”

2024-02-29 16:24:19

Published29. February 2024, 5:24 p.m

Madeleine McCann: Christian B. worked at the holiday resort from which Maddie disappeared

A witness claims that Christian B. worked at the Ocean Club restaurant before Maddie McCann disappeared. That was when he met the British family for the first time.


  • Christian B. is suspected of having something to do with the disappearance of Maddie McCann.

  • A British expatriate now claims that B. worked in the restaurant where Maddie’s parents had dinner on May 3, 2007.

  • B. wanted to kidnap a child with an accomplice in order to get money quickly.

The German Christian B. is said to have worked in the apartment complex in Praia da Luz, Portugal, from which Madeleine McCann disappeared in 2007. This is what the Brit Ken Ralphs, who met 47-year-old B. through acquaintances, claims. According to Ralphs, B. was employed at the Ocean Club tapas restaurant on an hourly basis at the time.

There Christian B. is said to have met Kate and Gerry McCann and their three small children. The British emigrant Ralphs suspects that at that moment B. and an accomplice came up with the idea of ​​kidnapping Maddie in order to sell her to a childless couple.

After the kidnapping, B. mightn’t sell Maddie

The 59-year-old told the Daily Mail that the two criminals kidnapped the child from the bedroom of the McCanns’ apartment on the night of May 3, 2007, while the parents were having dinner with friends in the restaurant. Christian B. had access to the reservation list in the Ocean Club restaurant. So he knew exactly which guests left their children alone in the apartments.

B. and his accomplice are said to have panicked following the crime when they saw the extensive reporting on the case. The police and the media highlighted Maddie’s special features – making it impossible to sell the child. Despite extensive searches and numerous calls from her parents, the case was never solved and Maddie remained untraceable.

Victims should be wealthy and have several children

The witness reports how he found out regarding the kidnapping plans: He went to B.’s acquaintances a week before Maddie’s disappearance. He lived in a tepee tent with his wife and two small children. After a few beers around a campfire, B’s accomplice is said to have told the Brit that the German was planning to kidnap a child as a way to quickly get money. The accomplice cried while he talked regarding it with Ralphs.

B. specifically intended to sell the kidnapped child to a German couple. Christian B. is said to have preferred “wealthy parents with several children” who would not grieve so much for the missing child following the kidnapping. According to Ken Ralphs, he warned the accomplice not to get involved with B.

A week later the friend was gone

When the Briton found out regarding Maddie’s kidnapping in the media a week later, he contacted the British police. He gave the officials precise information regarding the location of the tepee tent. When he returned to Portugal for a few days and visited his acquaintance, he discovered that the tent had been set on fire. Since then he has never seen his acquaintance once more.

Ralphs also states that he has expressed his suspicions to the police several times, both in Portugal and in Great Britain. To this day it is not clear to him whether investigators from both countries have followed up on the lead.

Christian B. has been on trial in Braunschweig since February 23rd.

He is accused of three counts of rape and two counts of sexual abuse of children. The 47-year-old B. has to answer in the proceedings for sexual offenses that he is said to have committed once morest five women and girls in Portugal between 2000 and 2017. These allegations are not related to the Maddie case.

Are you a minor and affected by sexual violence? Or do you know a child who has experienced sexual violence?

Cocoon, advice center for children, teenagers and young adults

Castagna, advice center for sexual violence in children and adolescents

Victim Support Switzerland advice centers

Pro Juventute, advice for children and young people, Tel. 147

Are you a pedophile yourself and don’t want to become a criminal? You can get help from Forio, Beforemore and the UPK Basel.

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